Australian Competitions Club

Expired => Closed Competitions => Topic started by: Ceramics on Sunday 19 December 2010, 05:51:38 pm

Title: Win a copy of The UFO Diaries (email answer)
Post by: Ceramics on Sunday 19 December 2010, 05:51:38 pm   (scroll down to near bottom of page)

Win a copy of The UFO Diaries


Simply send an email to with 'The UFO Diaries Competition' in the subject and tell us where Plowmans' travels start and where they end.

Send in your entries before Sunday 13 February, and you must include your name and postal address in your email.

Competitions are open to subscribers of this eNewsletter only and entrants must be residents of Australia or New Zealand.

The winners will be notified by email within two weeks of the competition's closing date and their name published in the next issue of this eNewsletter.