Australian Competitions Club

Expired => Closed Competitions => Topic started by: culturebird on Friday 03 June 2011, 05:10:31 pm

Title: Win 1/15 "Cars 2" family passes and soundtrack cds - Visa - 25 wol
Post by: culturebird on Friday 03 June 2011, 05:10:31 pm
Friendships are taken to new places in CARS 2 at the first-ever World Grand Prix to determine the world’s fastest car. Be a part of the road to the championship; filled with plenty of potholes, detours and hilarious surprises.

Enter to win a family in-season pass to see CARS 2, plus a copy of the soundtrack.

For your chance to win, simply tell us in 25 words or less who your favourite CARS character is and why?

Only at the movies June 23.

The Promotion concludes at 5:00pm on Thursday 16th June 2011 (AEST).


1 Visa Entertainment invites Visa cardholders to enter the “CARS 2” promotion (Promotion). Entrants who submit
the most creative answers to the question, “Tell us in 25 words or less who your favourite CARS character is and
why,” and correctly complete the online entry process during the Promotion Period (as set out below), are eligible to
be in the running to win certain prizes, as detailed in these Terms and Conditions. The Promotion is a game of skill
and chance plays no part in determining the winner. Each entry will be individually judged based on skill and merit.
2 The promoter is Visa AP (Australia) Pty Ltd (ABN 20 134 885 564) of Level 42, 50 Bridge Street, Sydney, NSW
2000, Australia. Phone number: (02) 9253 8800 (Promoter).
3 The Promotion commences at 9:00am on Thursday 2nd June 2011 (AEST) and concludes at 5:00pm on Thursday
16th June 2011 (AEST) (Promotion Period).
Entry and eligibility
4 To enter the Promotion, entrants must correctly complete the online entry form for the Promotion on the Promoter’s
website, (Website), during the Promotion Period.
5 Entry into the Promotion is only open to eligible entrants who:
(a) are residents of Australia aged 18 years of age or older; and
(b) are current Visa debit, credit or prepaid cardholders as at the date of entry into the Promotion;
(c) have subscribed to receive email updates from Visa Entertainment on the Website prior to
commencement of the Promotion Period, or who subscribe to receive email updates from Visa
Entertainment on the Website during the Promotion Period, either prior to, or at the same time as,
completing the online entry form for the Promotion; and
(d) are eligible to take the prize when required.
6 For the avoidance of doubt, entrants who complete the online entry form for the Promotion who have not
subscribed to receive email updates from Visa Entertainment on the Website will be required to complete the
necessary details to subscribe to receive email updates from Visa Entertainment and will be directed to complete
such details at the time of online entry for the Promotion.
7 By completing the entry process and participating in the Promotion, entrants accept that these Terms and
Conditions create a legally-binding agreement between the Promoter and the entrant.
8 Entrants are only permitted to enter the Promotion once. Multiple entries from a single entrant will be disqualified.
9 Employees of the Promoter and their immediate families are ineligible to enter.
10 Late, incomplete or illegible entries will be deemed invalid. Any contact details entered incorrectly on an entry form
will invalidate that entry and any and all other entries submitted by that entrant. The Promoter takes no
responsibility for any delays or failures in any telecommunications service or equipment.
11 The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, and in its sole and absolute discretion, to:
(a) verify an entrant’s identity, age or residency, including by requesting proof of identity, proof of age
and/or proof of residency or other eligibility criteria; and
(b) disqualify an entrant if the Promoter has reason to believe the entrant has submitted an entry not in
accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
12 The decision of the Promoter is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

13 Entrants are invited to submit their answers to the question, “Tell us in 25 words or less who your favourite CARS
character is and why”. Prizes will be awarded for the most creative answers.
14 The 15 entrants who submit the most creative answers, as determined by the Promoter, will receive the prize. The
Prize is one (1) CARS 2 prize pack, as set out in clause 16 below.
15 The decision of the Promoter is final and binding on every person who participates in the Promotion.
16 The Prize consists of (1) CARS 2 prize pack to be won. 15 packs are to be given away in which each pack contains Cars
2 Soundtrack (RRP $29.95) and in-season double passes to see CARS 2 at the movies (valued at AUD $80.00). Not valid
for Gold Class, La Premiere, Vmax or special event cinemas. Not valid public holidays, all day Tuesday, discount days or
Saturday after 5pm. Not valid with any other offer. The Prize is valued at up to AUD $109.95.
17 The total prize pool for the promotion is valued at up to AUD $1649.25.
18 Prizes will be awarded to entrants who submit the most creative answers, as determined by the Promoter.
19 If a prize (or part of a prize) is not taken when offered, the prize (or the part of the prize), will be forfeited and not
redeemable for cash. Prizes (or parts of a prize) are not exchangeable, transferable or redeemable for cash. If a
prize (or part of a prize) is unavailable, the Promoter may substitute that prize (or part of that prize) with a prize (or
part of a prize) to an equal value or specification.
20 In the event that any prize or any component of a prize is unavailable for any reason, at any time, the Promoter
reserves the right to substitute the prize or that prize component with another prize of equal value, subject to the
written direction of any relevant regulatory authority, and the prize winner will be notified accordingly.
21 To the extent permitted by law, the Promoter (including its officers, contractors, employees, agents and
representatives) is not liable for any loss (including loss of opportunity), damage (including, but not limited to, direct,
indirect or consequential loss), cost, expense or claim arising from or in relation to the Promotion, any entry or prize
that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected, or the use of a prize.
22 Winners will be determined by the Promoter by 5:00pm AEST Friday 17th June 2011.
23 All winners will be notified by email and telephone on or before Friday 17th June 2011 and their name and state will
be published on the Website once the winners have claimed their prizes.
24 If a Prize winner wishes to claim his/her prize, he/she must confirm this fact and his/her eligibility to win under these
Terms and Conditions by 10:00am AEST on Wednesday 23rd June 2011.
25 The Promoter will arrange for the prizes to be delivered to the winners’ address given on their entry, or any
alternative address notified by the winner to the Promoter in writing. Property and risk in and to the prizes will pass
to the winners on the prizes being passed to the carrier for delivery to the winners and the Promoter will not be
responsible for any damage or loss to the prizes after that time.
26 In accepting a prize, a winner agrees to participate in any publicity arrangements made by or on behalf of the
Promoter. A winner further acknowledges and agrees that the Promoter has the right to publicise the winner’s
name, likeness, photograph and voice, and also the State/Territory in which the winner ordinarily resides, without
restriction, in respect of this Promotion and any products or services offered, manufactured, distributed and/or
supplied by the Promoter, without any payment being made to the winner.
27 By entering into this Promotion, each entrant (including, but not only, the Major Prize and Minor Prize winners)
acknowledges and consents to the publication of his/her entry by the Promoter in any media (including, but not
only, the Website), throughout the world, for any purpose and without restriction, in perpetuity.
28 The Promoter collects personal information from entrants to conduct the Promotion and may, as required in the
course of business, disclose the personal information to other parties. Entry into this Promotion is conditional on
provision of the personal information requested. If the entrant consents at the time of entry, their entry may be
1S7:12722628618-21 _2 SDB
entered into a database and the Promoter may use the entrant’s name and address for promotional, marketing and
publicity purposes. Entrants may direct any request to access their personal information to the Promoter.
29 If the Promotion cannot, for any reason, be conducted as anticipated, the Promoter reserves the right in its sole
discretion, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to modify, suspend, or cancel the Promotion.
30 These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties regarding the matters set out in it.
Entrants will do such acts and sign, or cause to be signed, such instruments that the Promoter may reasonably
request for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions. All prices stated are in Australian dollars, represent the
recommended retail price or, in the absence of a recommended retail price, the prevailing market price to the best
of the Promoter’s knowledge. The laws applicable in New South Wales govern this deed and the parties submit to
the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales and any courts competent to hear appeals from
those courts.