Australian Competitions Club

Expired => Closed Competitions => Topic started by: Mkett57 on Monday 14 November 2011, 05:36:59 pm

Title: Like Im Local on FB to win
Post by: Mkett57 on Monday 14 November 2011, 05:36:59 pm!/imlocaldirectory?sk=app_112053162216760

Go to our new Facebook Page: and LIKE us to be in the draw

Easy online form.

One entry per household
The winner will be selected at random.  And will be deemed the winner and no corrrrespondence shall be entered into.  Entries close Friday 2 December 2011.  Winner notiifed by phone.  Prize can not be redeemed for cash, nor can it be part paid back in cash.

This is a local advertising magazine in the Redlands - it doesnt specify where you have to live though but they are all local businesses.

Title: Re: Like Im Local on FB to win
Post by: helga22 on Monday 14 November 2011, 06:54:21 pm
Correct link:!/imlocaldirectory?sk=app_112053162216760 (!/imlocaldirectory?sk=app_112053162216760)