Australian Competitions Club

Expired => Closed Competitions => Topic started by: InspMorse50 on Thursday 29 August 2013, 06:07:00 pm

Title: China Conservatory Orchestra in Canberra
Post by: InspMorse50 on Thursday 29 August 2013, 06:07:00 pm
Win tickets to see the China Conservatory Orchestra

"CITYNEWS" has six double, general admission passes valued at $76 each to see The China Conservatory Orchestra's Canberra debut performance at Llewellyn Hall, 7.30pm, on September 17. Established in 1964, the Huaxia Chinese Orchestra, of the China Conservatory, is acclaimed as the most devoted and professional folk music orchestra in China. The performance is inspired by traditional Chinese folk and opera music, allowing the charm of the oriental mystery to blend into the modern folk style. Led by the laureate conductor Kuan Naichung, the concert will feature the renowned Erhu soloist, Song Fei, the Queen of Chinese folk music. It will also highlight the award-winning musicians such as Erhu player Cao Dewei and percussionist Wang Yidong.

How to enter

List three words that best describe the spirit of Chinese music to you. (

Terms and Conditions

1. All entrants must be over the age of 18. To enter, log on to and list three words that best describe the spirit of Chinese music to you. Include your name, address and email details. The judge’s decision will be final. 2. The competition opens on Thursday, August 29, 2013. 3. The competition closes midday, Monday, September 9. 4. The competition will be judged midday, Monday, September 9. 5. Judging will take place at the offices of CityNews, Level 1, Bailey’s Corner, 143 London Circuit, Canberra ACT. 6. The six prizes consist of: One general admission, double pass valued at $76 each to the China Conservatory Orchestra concert at Llewelyn Hall, 7.30pm, Tuesday, September 17, 2013. 7. The winners will be contacted by email and will be announced in the edition of “CityNews” on Septemeber 12, 2013. 8. The promoter of the competition is Macquarie Publishing Pty Limited. ABN 23 116 889 813 9. Should any winners be ineligible, or fail to collect the prizes subsequent winners will be judged from the original entries. The winner will be notified by email and details published in the next available edition of CityNews.