Australian Competitions Club

Expired => Closed Competitions => Topic started by: Ceramics on Monday 17 February 2014, 12:32:15 pm

Title: Assortment of Tupperware products - EXCEPT ACT (RC entries)
Post by: Ceramics on Monday 17 February 2014, 12:32:15 pm

Little Lattes Tupperware Giveaway


You could win an assortment of Tupperware products valued at over $400!

This Prize includes the following fabulous Tupperware items:

    Modular Mates collection (valued at $186)
    Fiesta Platter with seal (valued at $42)
    Large rectangular storage container with seal (valued at $35)
    4 x square storage containers with seals (valued at $40)
    Heat ‘N Eat large divided rectangle (Valued at $30)
    Clear Mates, 2 x large rectangle 685ml (Value $40)
    Breeze large salad bowl and servers (valued at $39)

*please note that some of the values are estimates indicated to us by our Tupperware representative and may not be the exact prices that were charged for each item*

Little Lattes are giving 1 lucky winner the chance to win all the prizes listed above. You just need to tell us why you would love this awesome prize.  You must answer this question to be eligible to win.
Please tell us in 50 words or less why you would love to win this awesome prize.

To Enter:

All Facebook page listed in the Rafflecopter entry below must be liked for your entry to be valid. You then need to tell us why you would love to win this prize!

BONUS PRIZE: We will also be giving away a Tupperware Sandwich Keeper Plus (Lunch box) in Purple to one person who has commented on a post related to this competition on the Little Lattes Facebook page. 


Competition terms & conditions

Competition commences on the 14th of November 2014 and closes on the 7th of March 2014.

1 competition winner will be selected based on the answers given to the question in the entry proccess. 1 Bonus winner will be selected from the comments that have been made on the Little Lattes Facebook page.

This competition is a game of skill and answers will be selected based on content and creativity.

All pages as listed in the Rafflecopter entry mechanism must be liked in order to have your entry deemed as valid.

Competition winners will be contacted by email and / or Facebook and must respond within 3 days of contact or another winner will be drawn.

This competition is open to residents of Australia, excluding ACT.

This Competition is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by or sponsored by Facebook.

All decisions are at the discretion of Little Lattes and are final.

Little Lattes reserves the right the alter these terms and conditions or the competition details at any time.