Australian Competitions Club

Expired => Closed Competitions => Topic started by: oldfellow on Tuesday 09 June 2015, 04:40:11 am

Title: WIN a Year’s Supply of Bravecto/RC
Post by: oldfellow on Tuesday 09 June 2015, 04:40:11 am

WIN a Year’s Supply of Bravecto A revolutionary new treatment for dogs against paralysis ticks and fleas!



Bravecto® is a revolutionary new treatment for dogs against fleas and deadly paralysis ticks that makes protecting man’s best friend dead easy, and it’s now available in Australia.

Bravecto® represents a quantum leap forward in tick and flea protection. It is the first and only oral chew to deliver extended protection for three months against fleas and four months against paralysis ticks – all in a single chew.

Media veterinarian and Bravecto® brand ambassador Dr Katrina Warren is appealing to all dog owners to proactively talk to their local vet about deadly paralysis ticks and fleas, the incidence levels in their region, and Bravecto, which can be purchased at veterinary clinics without the need for a prescription.

“I have seen first-hand the reality of not protecting dogs against paralysis ticks and fleas. I’m proud to be associated with Bravecto, the only preventative oral treatment for these nasty critters that protects dogs for a full three months. It’s my choice for Riley and gives me peace of mind,” Dr Katrina said.

As a tasty oral chew, Bravecto can’t wash or rub off, so dog owners can keep doing the things they love to do with their dog without interruption. It is safe to use in puppies as young as 8 weeks of age, and there’s an email and app reminder service dog owners can subscribe to via, making treatment times easy to remember and hard to forget.

Bravecto is available from leading veterinarians across Australia. For the latest news and information about Bravecto visit and “like” Bravecto on Facebook at
One lucky Mum Zone members will win:

    ONE YEAR supply of Bravecto for your pooch

To be eligible to WIN this fabulous prize you have to do all of the following via our Rafflecopter widget below:

    Like and share this giveaway page with either your facebook or your twitter account (you have to do this and tag us)
    Like Mumzone’s facebook page, or follow our twitter page
    Like Bravecto AU Facebook page
    Share this page in either your facebook or twitter page (you can do this daily!)
    Answer this question : “why your pet is part of the family!” in the comment section below or your entry is not valid!

Important (Do not enter the competition unless you give your consent):

    All entries will automatically join Mum Zone’s Newsletter.