Australian Competitions Club

Expired => Closed Competitions => Topic started by: oldfellow on Saturday 07 October 2017, 09:54:47 am

Title: Win Family Pass to Sunset Superbowl/Online/The Chronicle Toowoomba
Post by: oldfellow on Saturday 07 October 2017, 09:54:47 am

Sunset Superbowl Online Competition

Terms and Conditions – Sunset Superbowl Online Competition (‘promotion’)


The Promoter is Toowoomba Newspapers Pty Ltd (‘the promoter’), ABN 63 009 820 035 of 109 Neil Street, Toowoomba Queensland, 4350.  Telephone number 07 4690 9434.
Information on how to enter and prizes forms part of the terms of entry. Entry into the competition is deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions.
If there is any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and anything else that refers to this competition, these Terms and Conditions will prevail.
Who can enter

Entry is open to all permanent residents of Queensland residing in the Toowoomba region and The Chronicle newspaper distribution area; except employees and immediate families of the Promoter and their associated companies and agencies.
Immediate family includes the following: spouse, ex-spouse, defacto spouse, child or step child (whether natural or by adoption), parent, step parent, grandparent, step grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step brother, step sister or first cousin.
Entrants must be aged 14 years and under. Entrants must obtain the prior permission of their parent or legal guardian to be able to enter. The Promoter may require any such entrant’s parent or legal guardian to sign a release at the Promoter’s discretion in which the parent or legal guardian accepts responsibility for the acts and forbearances of the winner. The release will include the parent or legal guardian’s full name and signature. Failure to agree to the release and provide these details will invalidate the winner’s entitlement to the prize, subject to State and Territory legislation.
The release will include the parent or legal guardian’s full name and signature. Failure to agree to the release and provide these details will invalidate the winner’s entitlement to the prize, subject to State and Territory legislation.  If the competition winner is under 18 years of age, the prize will be awarded to the winner’s parent or legal guardian.
The Promoter reserves the right to request winners to provide proof of identity, proof of residency at the nominated prize delivery address and/or proof of entry validity or proof of registration ownership to claim a prize. Proof of identification, residency and entry considered suitable for verification is at the discretion of the Promoter. If a winner cannot provide suitable proof, the winner will forfeit the prize in whole and no substitute will be offered.
When to enter

The competition commences on Tuesday October 3, 2017 at 6:00am AEST and closes on Monday October 9, 2017 at 2:00pm AEST.  Entries must be received by the Promoter prior to the competition close date and time.
The time of entry will in each case be the time the entry is received by the Promoter and not the time entrant submitted the entry.
The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any late, lost or misdirected entries including SMS messages not received by the Promoter or delays in the delivery due to technical disruptions, network congestion or for any other reason.
How to enter

The details of how to enter the competition are set out in the Young Chronicle Kids Club page, cover date Tuesday October 3, 2017.
Entrants may enter the competition by logging on to and registering their details including (but not limited to) full name, address, post code, telephone number, email address and parental permission to complete their entry.
The cost of accessing the promotional website will be dependent on the entrant’s individual Internet Service Provider.
Entrants are required to take full responsibility for the content of their entry and for ensuring that their entry complies with these terms and conditions.  For the purposes of these content requirements, “entry content” includes any content (including text, photos, videos and email messages) that entrants submit, upload, transmit, publish, communicate or use in connection with their entry into the Promotion. Entries must be the entrant’s original work.  The Promoter reserves the right to verify, or to require the entrant to verify, that the entry is the entrant’s original work.  If an entry cannot be verified to the Promoter’s satisfaction, the entry will be deemed invalid.  The Promoter may, in its absolute discretion, edit, modify, delete, remove or take-down any part of an entrant’s entry.
An entrant’s entry must not include:
any image or voice of any other person without that person’s express consent.  Entrants warrant that if any such content is included, they have obtained the express consent of the relevant person;
any content that contravenes any law, infringes the rights of any person or is potentially insulting, inflammatory, defamatory, obscene, offensive, discriminatory, indecent or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate (which includes, without limitation, any content involving nudity, malice, excessive violence or swearing); and
any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, any audio-visual or sound recording, or any other item in which copyright subsists, unless the entrant is entitled to do so.  If an entrant has any doubts about whether they have the right to include any content (for example, recorded music) they must not include it.  By including any such content in their entry, the entrant warrants that they have the permission of the relevant copyright owner to do so and that this permission allows the Promoter to use the entry in accordance with these terms and conditions.
The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify a winner if Promoter becomes aware that the winner and/or the winner’s entry is of a type described in this clause.
Any entry that is made on behalf of an entrant by a third party will be invalid, unless the entrant requires the assistance of a third party to enter due to a disability.
The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any entrant who tampers with the entry process, who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these terms and conditions or who has, in the opinion of Promoter, engaged in conduct in entering the Promotion which is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive or generally damaging to the goodwill or reputation of the Promotion. This includes, but not limited, to entrants and households using multiple email addresses, postal addresses, PO Box addresses or SIM cards to register single or multiple purchases.
Number of Entries permitted   

Entrants may enter as many times as they like; however, only one prize will be awarded per person.
Draw and Notification of winner

The winner will be the first valid entry submitted in accordance with these terms and conditions that is drawn by The Chronicle, 109 Neil Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350 via random computer draw at 2:30pm AEST Monday October 9, 2017.
If any draw is scheduled on a public holiday, the draw will be conducted on the following business day.
The Promoter’s decision is final and the Promoter will not enter in to correspondence regarding the competition result or any other decisions the Promoter makes about the Promotion.
The winner will be notified by telephone within two days of the draw. The winner’s details will be published on the Young Chronicle Kids Club page on Tuesday October 10, 2017.
Prizes will be awarded to the person named in the entry, if under 18 years, to their parent or legal guardian.
Should an entrant’s contact details change during the promotional period, it is the entrant's responsibility to notify the Promoter. A request to access or modify any information provided in an entry should be directed to the Promoter (see Clause 1).
Subject to State Regulation, an unclaimed prize draw will take place at The Chronicle, 109 Neil Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350 on Monday January 8, 2018 at 10:00am AEST. The winner/s of the unclaimed prize draw will be notified by telephone immediately after the draw and the winners detail published in The Chronicle Kids Club Page within 14 days of the redraw.
Prize on offer

Individual prize value is up to $60.00 (including GST).  Total prize pool value is up to $60.00 (including GST) as at Tuesday October 3, 2017. The winner will receive one of the following prizes:
A Family Pass to Sunset Superbowl, RRP $60.00;
Family Pass admits 2 adults and children.
Pass is valid until January 31, 2018.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, prize values are based upon the recommended retail prices at the time of first publication of these Terms and Conditions (inclusive of GST). The Promoter accepts no responsibility for change in prize value between now and the ultimate prize redemption date.
Independent financial advice should be sought as tax implications may arise because of accepting the prize.
Prizes cannot be transferred, exchanged or redeemed for cash.
It is a condition of accepting the prize that the winner must comply with all the conditions of use of the prize and the prize supplier’s requirements.  It is the responsibility of the winner to confirm such conditions with the prize supplier or other relevant third parties.
It is a condition of accepting the prize that the winner may be required to sign a legal release in a form determined by the Promoter in its absolute discretion.  If an entrant under 18 years of age wins a prize, then their parent or guardian must sign the legal release referred to in this clause on the minor’s behalf.
All entrants agree that if they win the prize, they will not, and their companions will not, sell or otherwise provide their story and/or photographs to any media or another organisation, including the internet. Photographs will be allowed only at the discretion of the Promoter.
In the event a winner does not take the prize by the time stipulated, then the entire prize will be forfeited by the winner and cash will not be awarded in lieu of the prize.
Event tickets are only valid for the date or period specified on the tickets or by the provider, and are subject to any terms and conditions imposed by the provider.  Once awarded, the Promoter is not liable for any ticket that has been lost, stolen, forged, damaged or tampered with in any way.
Further Terms and Conditions

Subject to complying with all relevant State and Territory legislation, the Promoter reserves the right to amend, cancel or suspend this competition if an event beyond the control of the Promoter corrupts or affect the administration security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the competition. The Promoter will disqualify any individual who has tampered with the entry process or any other aspect of this competition.
If for any reason this competition is not capable of running as planned, including (without limitation) due to infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failures or any causes beyond the control of the Promoter, the Promoter reserves the right in its sole discretion to take any action that may be available, and (without limitation) to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the competition, subject to any direction given under State Regulation.
Entrants are responsible for any cost associated with accessing the promotional website.  Access to that site is dependent on the Internet service provider.
All entries must be sent by post or delivered to the address set out in these terms and conditions. Entries that contain any objects not specified in these term and conditions will be deemed invalid and will not be accepted. The Promoter and its agents take no responsibility whatsoever for such entries that do not comply with these terms and conditions.
Any entrant found to be using any form of software or third-party application to enter multiple times (including scripting software) will have all entries invalidated and any claim to any prize will be invalidated. If such an entrant is awarded a prize and then found to have breached this clause, the entrant must immediately return any awarded prize to the Promoter. The Promoter has sole discretion to determine if this clause has been breached by any entrant. The Promoter reserves the right to request whatever documentation it deems necessary to confirm if the entrant has breached this clause.  An entrant must provide any requested documentation to the Promoter upon request.
An entrant may not use a third party (including online competition entry site) to enter on their behalf, except where the entrant needs to use those services of that third party to enter due to a disability.  If the preceding sentence has been breached, the entrant will have all entries invalidated, any claim to any prize will be invalidated and where such an entrant has already been awarded a prize before being found to have breached this clause, the entrant must immediately return any awarded prize to the Promoter.  The Promoter has sole discretion to determine if this clause has been breached by any entrant. The Promoter reserves the right to request whatever documentation it deems necessary to confirm if the entrant has breached this clause. An entrant must provide any requested documentation to the Promoter upon request.
If the prize is unavailable, for whatever reason, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute the prize for a prize of equal or greater value, subject to State and Territory legislation. It is a condition of accepting the prize that the winner must comply with all the conditions of use of the prize and prize supplier’s requirements. Each prize must be taken as stated and no compensation will be payable if a winner is unable to use the prize as stated.
The Promoter will make reasonable efforts to deliver prizes to the addresses provided by competition entrants (where specified). If a prize is returned to the Promoter because it could not be delivered to the address provided, the Promoter cannot guarantee that it will be able to resend the prize to the prize winner.  The Promoter and its associated agencies and companies will not be liable for any damage to or delay in transit of prizes.
The Promoter reserves the right to redraw the prize if an entrant who claims to be a prize winner is unable to satisfy these terms and conditions.
Copyright, Statutory guarantees, Waiver and liability

In consideration for the Promoter awarding the prize to the winner, the winner hereby permits the winner’s submission, image and/or voice, as recorded, photographed or filmed during the winner’s participation in the prize to appear in connection with the Promoter or the advertising or marketing thereof, in any media whatsoever throughout the world and the winner will not be entitled to any fee for such use.
The Promoter acknowledges that the entrant may own intellectual property rights (including copyright) in any material created or otherwise submitted to the Promoter in connection with the entrant’s entry or participation in any aspect of the promotion (Works). The entrant does not transfer their intellectual property rights to the Promoter by submitting an entry. The entrant hereby grants the Promoter a non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide licence to use the Works (including modifying, adapting or publishing the Works, whether in original or modified form, in whole or in part or not at all, to use, modify, delete from, add to, publicly display and reproduce, the photo(s), including without limitation, in any online media formats and through any social media channels, pages or accounts) for the sole purpose of running the promotion, promoting and celebrating the promotion and future promotions and agrees that the Promoter may assign and/or sublicense the Works to third parties for this same purpose.  Should the Promoter wish to use an entrant’s Works for any other purposes, it will contact the entrant to discuss licensing opportunities.
The entrant acknowledges and agrees that neither the entrant nor any third party shall be entitled to any fee, royalty or other consideration in respect of such licence.  If the entrant holds, now, or at any time in the future, any so called “droit moral” or moral rights in connection with the Works, the entrant unconditionally and irrevocably consents, for the benefit of the Promoter and all of its assignees, licensees and sub licensees to minor alterations to the Works which may be required for print or display purposes such as resizing and minor colour correction  notwithstanding that such conduct may amount to derogatory treatment of the Works for the purposes of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (Copyright Act). All Entrants consent to attribution by either full name or social media handle in satisfaction of their right to attribution under the Copyright Act.
In the case of the intervention of any outside act, agent or event which prevents or significantly hinders the Promoter’s ability to proceed with the competition on the dates and in the manner described in these terms and conditions, including but not limited to vandalism, power failures, tempests, natural disasters, acts of God, civil unrest, strike, war, act of terrorism, the Promoter may in its absolute discretion cancel the competition and recommence it from the start on the same conditions, subject to any directions given under State Regulation.
The Promoter does not exclude any rights and remedies in respect of goods or services under the Australian Consumer Law in the Competition and Consumer Act (2010) (Australian Consumer Law) which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified.  However, the remainder of this clause will apply to the fullest extent permitted by law and the Promoter shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss) or for any personal injury suffered or sustained in connection with any prize/s except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.
The Promoter is not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information, either caused by an entrant or for any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilised in this competition, or for any technical error, or any combination thereof that may occur in the course of the administration of this competition including any omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line or telephone, mobile or satellite network failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to or alteration of entries.
The Promoter reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who the Promoter has reason to believe has breached any of these conditions, or engaged in any unlawful or other improper misconduct calculated to jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of the promotion. The Promoter’s legal rights to recover damages or other compensation from such an offender are reserved.
All entries become the property of The Promoter (with the exception of any intellectual property rights comprised therein). All opt-in entries may be entered in to a database and The Promoter may use the entrant’s names, addresses and telephone numbers for future promotional, marketing and publicity purposes in any media worldwide without notice and without any fee being paid unless otherwise advised by the entrant. By opting-in, entrants confirm that they allow their details to be used for this purpose. If entrants no longer consent to their details being used for future marketing purposes, the entrant should contact The Promoter on their details set out below. Any request to update, modify or delete the entrant’s details should be directed to The Promoter.

All entries become and remain the property of the Promoter and its related parties, subject to the limits contained in the Privacy Statement and as set out in these terms and conditions.
The Promoter and its related parties collect personal information to conduct the Promotion, including name and contact details and may use and disclose such information in accordance with its privacy policy, including to sending ongoing information and promotional material about opportunities, services and products (relating to our business or a third-party business) in which the Promoter believes you may be interested.
We collect and use that information to provide you with our goods and services and to promote and improve our goods and services. We may also share your information with our related companies and any of us may be in contact for those purposes (including email and SMS).
Where you have entered a competition, we may disclose your personal information to authorities if you are a prize winner or otherwise required by law.
Further information on how we handle personal information, how you can complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, how we deal with a complaint of that nature, how you can access or seek correction of your personal information and our contact details can be located at
To facilitate your participation, the Promoter may disclose your personal information to other companies associated with this promotion for marketing purposes.