Australian Competitions Club

Expired => Closed Competitions => Topic started by: oldfellow on Thursday 22 March 2018, 05:31:47 am

Title: Win Tix to One Night With Sean Luke Spiteri/Listen To c913fm - Sydney
Post by: oldfellow on Thursday 22 March 2018, 05:31:47 am


One Night With Sean Luke Spiteri
All this week, you can win tickets to see 'One Night with Sean Luke Spiteri' in the Morning Show with Stuart Cranney.

See Sean Luke Spiteri as Tom Jones, John Lennon and Elvis Presley on Saturday 24th March at Club Menangle.

It's Not Imagine...Such A Night!

Tickets include a buffet dinner.

Doors open: 5:30pm

Head to the Club Menangle website for more information.

It’s all thanks to Club Menangle; It’s where Macarthur meets.