Australian Competitions Club

Expired => Closed Competitions => Topic started by: oldfellow on Monday 24 June 2019, 08:54:20 am

Title: River1467 Mildura - Win “Mary Queen of Scots” on DVD/Listen
Post by: oldfellow on Monday 24 June 2019, 08:54:20 am


In the “Early Bird Challenge” with Jason Hayes, you can win “Mary Queen of Scots” on DVD thanks to Sony Universal.

Queen of France at 16 and widowed at 18, Mary Stuart defies pressure to remarry. Instead, she returns to her native Scotland to reclaim her rightful throne.
However, Scotland and England fall under the rule of the compelling Elizabeth I. Each young Queen beholds her sister in fear and fascination.

Rivals in power and in love, and female regents in a masculine world, the two must decide how to play the game of marriage versus independence.