Australian Competitions Club

Expired => Closed Competitions => Topic started by: oldfellow on Wednesday 16 February 2022, 02:50:15 am

Title: RAA SA - WIN A day sailing trip with One & All/Memb
Post by: oldfellow on Wednesday 16 February 2022, 02:50:15 am

WIN A day sailing trip with One & All


All aboard! Well, maybe not all – just two lucky samotor readers and a friend each.

The winners and their guests will embark on a day trip sailing along the Port River aboard the One & All tall ship.

Keep a watchful eye for the nearby ship graveyard, fluorescent green wetlands and dolphins bobbing above the water’s surface.

After sightseeing, get among the action as the captain’s first mate by setting sails and climbing into the bow nets for a better view of what lies ahead.

This sailing experience includes refreshing drinks to quench your thirst after a day on the water.

Enter the competition
Simply enter your RAA membership details below.

WIN A day sailing trip with One & All competition – Terms and Conditions

Information on how to enter and prize details form a part of the competition terms and conditions of entry.

Entry into this WIN A day sailing trip with One & All competition is deemed acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

The Promoter is Royal Automobile Association of South Australia Incorporated, of 101 Richmond Road, Mile End SA 5031, ABN 90 020 001 807 and available by phone on (08) 8202 4600 (RAA).

All employees and their immediate families of the Promoter and its related bodies corporate are ineligible to enter. Immediate family means any of the following: spouse, de facto spouse, child or step child (whether natural or by adoption), parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, brother, sister, step-brother or step-sister.

The Competition commences at 9:00am ACDT on 10th February 2022 and closes at 11:59pm ACDT on 13th of April 2022 (Promotion Period).

To be eligible to enter the Competition, entrants must
be 18 years of age and over;
be a member of RAA
be a resident of South Australia
fill out the entry form on RAA competition web page (
7. Only one valid entry per person. Two (2) winners will be drawn.

8. Entries must be submitted electronically via the RAA competition web page ( or by mail:

Win A day sailing trip with One & All
Adelaide Mail Centre Box Number 5862

 9. Entries not completed in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or received after the Promotion Period ends will not be considered. Incomplete, fraudulent or incomprehensible entries will be disregarded. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for late, lost or misdirected entries.

10. [The Promoter collects personal information from each entrant in order to conduct the prize draw. Entry into the Competition is conditional on the person providing their name, phone number, postal address and email address.

11. The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of entries and entrants (including an entrant’s identity and place of residence) and to disqualify any entrant who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or who tampers with the entry process. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.

12. If there is a dispute as to the identity of an entrant, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the identity of the entrant.

13. If the Competition is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to the fullest extent permitted by law (a) to disqualify the entrant; or (b) subject to any written directions from a regulatory authority, modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the Competition, as appropriate.

14. The prize draw consists of a day sail along the Port River aboard the One & All tall shop. This sailing experience includes non-alcoholic drinks. The total prize pool is valued at $596.

15. No alcohol can be brought or consumed on the ship.

16. COVID-19 vaccinations will be compulsory for anyone attending any event type on One and All. It is a condition of entry that passengers agree to be fully vaccinated, and be able to show proof of vaccination prior to boarding.

17. Sensible footwear must be worn, preferably flat-soled closed shoes. Recommend a windproof jacket and hat. Stilettos and sharp-heeled shoes are strictly prohibited.

18. The prize is non-transferable, cannot be exchanged or taken for cash and will have an expiry of 22 April 2023.

19. A prize draw will occur on 22 April 2022 at 10:00 ACDT through a random electronic process.

20. The draw will take place at RAA 101 Richmond Road, Mile End, SA, 5031.

21. The prize winner will be notified by email (and failing that by phone) after 22 April 2022. To claim the prize, the winner must respond within 3 days of being notified. Entrants are responsible for keeping the Promoter informed of any changes to their contact details during and following the Promotion Period. The Promoter’s decision is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.

22. If the prize remains unclaimed for 3 days of the winner(s) being notified under clause 20, the Promoter will conduct a redraw at 10am ACDT at the same place as the original draw subject to any applicable law. If required the redraw will take place on 25 April 2022. If applicable, the winner, will be notified by phone and by email.

23. The name(s) of the winner(s) and prize(s) won will be displayed at 101 Richmond Road, Mile End, SA 5031 and published on

24. The initial and surname of the winner(s) will be published in samotor winter 2022 edition on 11 May 2022.

25. The Promoter handles personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), including the Australian Privacy Principles, and will deal with personal information in accordance with its privacy policy.  By entering into the Competition you acknowledge that the Promoter may use the personal information [Select from the following depending on the circumstance] [you provide / it already holds] to conduct the Competition and you agree to be bound by the Promoter’s privacy policy. To view the Promoter’s privacy policy visit or to access or update your personal information please contact us by phone on (08) 8202 4390.

 26. To the extent permitted by law, the Promoter will not be responsible or liable for:

the prize winner’s failure to update the contact information associated with his or her RAA membership
inaccurate or incorrect transcription of entry information;
purported entries that are not received for any reason, including because they are lost, misdirected or stolen, or that are received, but are late, illegible, incomplete, sent with insufficient postage (where entry is by post), or sent or submitted other than as directed in these Terms and Conditions;
any problems or technical failures of any kind, including malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems or network, servers or providers, computer equipment, or software;
the unavailability or inaccessibility of any service whether or not caused by traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website;
unauthorised human intervention in any part of the Competition;
electronic or human error which may occur in the administration of the Competition;
any loss suffered or sustained, to any person or property and including, but not limited to, consequential (including economic) loss by reason of any act or omission, deliberate or negligent, by the Promoter, or its servants or agents, in connection with the arrangement for supply, or the supply of any goods or services by any person to a prize winner and where applicable to any family members/persons accompanying a winner.