Title: Win 1/5 Samsonite 73H 55cm Spinner Suitcases - The Australian Plusrewards subs Post by: culturebird on Tuesday 08 August 2023, 09:31:19 am 73H is the next generation of Samsonite’s revolutionary lightweight suitcase!
As an evolutional range to the previous 72H DLX series, it has been given an updated design while still maintaining the functional features that test the limits of durability. The Australian Plus members, enter below for your chance to win 1 of 5 Samsonite 73H 55cm Spinner Suitcases. https://www.theaustralianplus.com.au/competitions/aug-sept-23-tap-samsonite-73h-55cm-spinner Terms and Conditions: Entries open 9.00am AEST on Monday 7 August 2023 and close 11.59pm AEDT on Sunday 1 October 2023. Must be residents of Australia, 18 years and over and be an eligible The Australian Plus member during the Promotion Period and at the date of prize draw. Limited to one entry per eligible entrant. Winners determined on 2 October 2023 at 4.00pm AEDT at Nationwide News Pty Ltd, 2 Holt Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010. Winners’ names to be published within 7 days after the draw date on The Australian Plus website. Prize must be taken within 30 days of the draw date. There are 5 x Samsonite 73H 55cm Spinner Suitcases to be won. Total prize pool valued at $1,995. Winners drawn from entrants who are eligible The Australian Plus members. |