Title: Ryobi - Win 1/15 Shed Makeover Kits - Upload photo/s Post by: culturebird on Tuesday 15 August 2023, 07:03:48 am WIN A $3,000 SHED MAKEOVER WITH RYOBI LINK™ THIS FATHER’S DAY
This Father’s Day, RYOBI is giving you 15 chances to win a $3,000 Shed Makeover kit, which comprises RYOBI LINK™ along with a bunch of RYOBI tools! (5 winners each week from 14 August – 3 September 2023). Think of all the extra floor space you’ll regain with LINK™, and all the new projects you’ll be able to complete with your new RYOBI tools! HOW TO ENTER Each week, for 3 weeks, we’ll choose the 5 best (or worst!) spaces that could benefit from a storage upgrade with LINK™ rolling and hanging products. STEP 1: Take a photo of a space you’d like to transform with RYOBI LINK™ STEP 2: Enter online using the form below *must not exceed 25MB/5 mins AU 18+. Runs 14/8/23 – 11.59pm 3/9/23 (AEST). 1 entry per person. Not all items shown are included in prize. Prizes included: 18V One+ Home Essentials Kit Mini’s Drill Keyring 18V One+ Hp™ Brushless Pruning Saw 18V One+ Hybrid Fan 18V One+ Hybrid Panel Light 18V One+ 4l Wet & Dry Compact Vacuum 18V One+ Workshop Blower 2.0ah Kit 18V One+ Bluetooth Speaker LINK™ 15 Piece Starter Kit X 2t LINK™ 2 Drawer Toolbox X 2 LINK™ 1/2 Size Clear Organiser X 2 LINK™ Clear Organiser X 2 LINK™ Medium Toolbox X 2 LINK™ Mobile Cart And Crate X 2 LINK™ Crate https://www.ryobi.com.au/articles/fathers-day-competition |