Title: Today Show - Shopping at Karl’s JB HiFi - 25 wol Post by: culturebird on Saturday 26 August 2023, 09:44:47 am Shopping at Karls JB Hi - Fi Today Show Competition
Tell us in 25 words or fewer why you'd like to play Shopping at Karls PRIZE: During each Quiz, each Winner will be asked to put 5 x JB HI FI items in order from least to most expensive. If the Winner will win the following Prize depending on the amount of items they guess correctly: ● One (1) correct answer: $2,000 JB HI FI Voucher ● Two (2) correct answer: $2,000 JB HI FI Voucher ● Three (3) correct answers: $2,000 JB HI FI Voucher ● Five (5) correct answers: $5,000 JB HI FI Voucher All Prizes are digital vouchers. In the event a Winner answers no questions correctly, they will receive the consolation prize of 1 x Today Show Hat Competition is open to permanent residents of Australia. Entrants must be over 18 to enter. https://9now.nine.com.au/today/competitions/shopping-at-karls-jb-hifi-giveaway Game of skill. Competition is open to permanent residents of Australia. Entrants must be over 18 to enter. Competition opens on 24/08/23 at 9:00am AEST. Competition closes on 31/08/23 at 10:00am AEDT. Judging will take place on 25/08/23 from 10:05am AEST for Round 1, on 28/08/23 from 10:05am AEST for Round 2, on 29/08/23 from 10:00am AEST for Round 3 and on 30/08/23 from 10:05am AEST for Round 4 and on 31/08/23 from 10:05am AEST for Round 5. Non-winning entries in each Round will be entered into subsequent Rounds. |