Title: Radio River1467 Mildura - Lucky Five Dollar Note/Win $675 Cash/Closes 16/2/24 Post by: oldfellow on Monday 12 February 2024, 07:11:15 pm https://www.river1467.com.au/win/the-lucky-5-note/
Sunraysia's searching for it... do you have the Lucky $5 Note? DB 161 322 522 ($675 12/2/24 to 16/2/24) On weekdays listen for your chance to win the Lucky $5 Note cash jackpot thanks to the team at Simmons Scrap Metal, Millewa Road Red Cliffs. We broadcast the serial number of the Lucky $5 Note between 6-9am and 3-6pm weekdays. Write the number down and check to see if you have the winning note! Simply bring the Lucky $5 Note into RIVER1467 before 5pm Friday to claim the cash. The serial number changes each week and the jackpot will increase if it’s not claimed! Do you have the Lucky $5 Note? Listen to win and keep checking our website for more details. Competition Rules 1. The winning $5 note must be produced in person at RIVER1467,130 Ninth Mildura Victoria, before 5pm on the Friday on the week its serial number is broadcast. 2. The Lucky $5 Note serial number cannot be given out via telephone or any other means other than broadcast on RIVER1467 between 6-9am and 3-6pm weekdays. The number may also be posted on this website for a short duration during times advised on air. 3. All other RIVER1467 general competition rules and guidelines apply. |