Title: Win a share of Mother’s Day prizes-AustraliaFairSC/Australia Fair Metro-QLD 7/5 Post by: culturebird on Monday 06 May 2024, 09:37:50 am (https://www.australiafair.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/AF_129_Mothers-Day-Spend-Play-Win-24_Webtile_750x420px_1a_FA-new-1.jpg)
WIN A SHARE OF $16,000 IN PRIZES! WHEN: Tuesday 7 May – Saturday 11 May 10:30am – 2:30pm daily HOW TO PLAY: 1. Spend $50 in any store at Australia Fair and/or Australia Fair Metro during the promotional period. 2. Present your receipt or combined receipts to the staff. 3. Play for your chance to win a special gift for Mum! LOCATION: Ground floor, outside Coles Maximum 1 entry per person, per day. |