Title: McDonald’s - Win 1/2000 pairs of Nuggies boots Post by: culturebird on Wednesday 17 July 2024, 01:45:04 pm Find and scan the perfect boot-shaped Chicken McNugget for your chance to win. Scan QR code on box, then enter via McDonalds app.
Starts 9am (AEST) 17/07/24 & ends 5pm (AEST) 06/08/24. Open to Aust residents aged 15 years or older. To enter, eligible entrants must purchase an Eligible Product from a participating restaurant, scan the QR code on the packaging and scan a boot-shaped Chicken McNugget to unlock an entry form which is to be filled out in the manner required. Eligible products available while stocks last & subject to normal serving hrs/menu at participating restaurants. All entries received will be entered into a random draw based on the Region of the Eligible Entrant (NSW/ACT, QLD/NT, VIC/TAS, SA and WA). The 5 draws to determine the 400 winners for each Region will start at 11am (AEST) 08/08/24 at Creata 6/3 Central Ave, Thornleigh NSW 2120. Prize: 1 x McDonald’s Nuggies winter boots valued at AUD$50.00 ea. Total max prize value for each Region is AUD$20,000. Winners will be notified within 7 days of the draw. For how Promoter collects, uses & discloses personal info & obtains entrants’ consent to send them electronic msgs, see Collection Statement & Privacy Policy Promoter: McDonald’s Australia Limited. |