Title: Tegel Take Outs - Win a Ninja Creami + $100 Woolies/Coles Voucher/IG/Closes 2/10 Post by: oldfellow on Tuesday 01 October 2024, 08:24:49 pm https://www.instagram.com/p/DAUrj3RSGHI/
WIN! 📣 You guys loved it last time so we're doing it again! We're giving away a Ninja Cremi and $100 worth of Tegel Take Outs 🥳 TO ENTER: 1 tag = 1 entry Must be following @tegeltakeouts_au (we will be checking! 😉;) Open to Australia residents only. There will be one prize given away. Prize is 1x Ninja Creami NC300 Ice Cream Maker + 1x $100 Woolworths OR $100 Coles voucher, sent to an Australia urban address. Promotion ends 02.10.2024 at 11am AEST. Not associated with Facebook or Instagram. T&Cs apply and are linked in our bio. Winners will be randomly drawn and contacted on 02.10.2024 by 6pm AEST only through the tegeltakeouts_au Instagram account. Good luck! |