Title: Canberra Daily - WIN! Morphy Richards kettle and toaster/Closes 11/10/24 Post by: oldfellow on Monday 07 October 2024, 01:27:11 am https://canberradaily.com.au/win-morphy-richards-kettle-and-toaster/
WIN! Morphy Richards kettle and toaster Bringing the Nordic lifestyle philosophy of simple sophistication into the heart of your home, the new Morphy Richards ‘Essence Scandi’ range captures the essence of Scandinavian style. With muted hues and timber-look accents for a fresh, modern appeal, this new range of kettles and toasters achieves the perfect balance of form and function. Exclusive to Harvey Norman from September, the Essence Scandi kettle’s RRP is $129.95, and the toaster’s RRP is $149.95, both available in ‘Eucalyptus’ and ‘Tapioca’. One CD reader will win a kettle and toaster prize pack in ‘Tapioca’ valued at $279.90. 1x Essence Scandi Jug Kettle in Tapioca ($129.95 RRP) 1x Essence Scandi 4 Slice Toaster in Tapioca ($149.95 RRP) ENTER TO WIN To enter, email competitions@canberradaily.com.au with ‘Morphy Richards’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details (including street address) and which you think is more valuable—a toaster or a kettle—and why. Entries close 9am Friday 11 October 2024 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18+ |