Title: Somersby - Win $5k weekly, plus $100 instantly - (pur special marked 10pk) 22/03 Post by: culturebird on Friday 17 March 2023, 11:31:32 am https://www.somersbywonderfulwins.com.au/
To enter, you must: Make a Qualifying Purchase from a Store Locate the unique code on the Qualifying Purchase product; then during the Competition Period, visit the Website, locate the entry page and fill out and submit the online entry form, including by providing the unique code, and providing all other requested information to see if you have provisionally won an instant win prize and to enter the weekly prize draws. A specially marked pack with unique code inside of: Somersby Pear Cider Can 375ml (10 pack); or Somersby Apple Cider Can 375ml (10 pack); There are up to 60,544 prizes available – up to 60,538 instant prizes and 6 weekly draw prizes. Each Instant Win prize is a $100 Vault Pays-enabled Prepaid Mastercard® . Each weekly draw prize is $5,000 cash. Weekly draw prizes will be deposited into the winner's nominated Australian bank account. Total prize pool The instant win prize pool is up to $6,053,800. AU residents 18+ only. Comp runs 12.01am (AEDT) 22/3/23 to 11.59pm (AEST) 2/5/23. Buy a specially marked 10 pack with unique code inside of Somersby Pear OR Apple Cider Can 375ml from participating Liquorland, First Choice, First Choice Liquor Market or Vintage Cellars (incl. online), then during comp period visit somersbywonderfulwins.com.au & fill out entry form incl. unique code to see if you've provisionally won an instant prize & to enter weekly draw. Instant win prizes: 60,538x $100 Vault Pays-enabled Prepaid Mastercard®. Weekly draws: 11am (AEDT/AEST as relevant) on 30/3/23, 6/4/23, 13/4/23, 20/4/23, 27/4/23 & 4/5/23 at 51A/23 Norton St, Leichhardt NSW 2040. Weekly prize: $5k (1 prize per draw). See website 8/5/23 for drawn winners. Entrants will get future marketing from Promoter. See website for full conditions incl. privacy statement. Promoter: CUB Pty Ltd (ABN 76 004 056 106). Authorised under: ACT TP22/02167; SA T22/1800; NSW TP/00044. |