Title: Kiddo Mag SA - WIN a Shine Greens Super Mums Pamper Pack Post by: oldfellow on Sunday 13 August 2023, 09:53:34 am https://kiddomag.com.au/win/shine-greens-super-mums-pamper-pack/
WIN a Shine Greens Super Mums Pamper Pack GIVEAWAY: We are giving away a super mums pamper pack with a total prize value in excess of $766 thanks to eimele Hand-picked by Lindy Klim, this is a luxurious and nutritious at home self-care pack to nourish one special Super Mum from top to toe, inside and out using the best quality Australian ingredients. Plant based nutrition brand eimele has recently signed Lindy Klim as the face of their best-selling daily greens supplement – Shine Greens. Who better than the elegant mother of four, entrepreneur and global business woman to represent all the ‘Super Mums’ out there who juggle work with family and manage to keep a smile on their faces along the way? This month, Shine Greens has launched a new Home Edition pack, the new format rewards customers with greater value, containing 40% more formula than the 105g Shine Greens Travel Pack. Containing 62 essential nutrients, the daily plant-based greens formula is an established favourite within the digestive health category and harbours benefits across immunity, skin and sleep. We asked Lindy what she loves about the daily health supplement; Because I’m always on the go, getting my nutrition right means I have the energy I need to juggle my hectic lifestyle and be present for my kids. Shine Greens’ family pack is my daily secret weapon that helps me keep all the balls in the air.” Premium Aussie skincare brand Minenssey is known for their delicious smelling skin and body care products, infused with powerful natural botanicals. Expertly formulated to deliver targeted solutions, designed to detoxify, hydrate, rejuvenate and brighten skin. Easy yet effective, Minenssey’s best selling Clay Mask regime is designed to achieve professional skincare results at-home, perfect for Super Mums juggling those busy lifestyles! Shine Greens Super Mums Pamper Pack includes: eimele Shine Greens Home Edition Minenssey Skin Revival Clay Mask Set Jasmine, Honeysuckle & Pink Grapefruit Body Wash Jasmine, Honeysuckle & Pink Grapefruit Body Lotion Quenching Aqua Face Cream Nutritious Face and Neck Cream SOS Facial Mist Refining Facial Essence Superfood Facial Exilir Complete Eye Cream Lip Spa Regenerating balm Repairing Eye Balm Lovekins Feminine Wash AND Bonus Minenssey Travel Size Items! Enter to win Enter your details below to go in the draw to win the super mums pamper pack thanks to eimele (RRP $766). |