Australian Competitions Club

Expired => Closed Competitions => Topic started by: oldfellow on Sunday 01 October 2023, 12:56:52 am

Title: Arana Leagues - Win an MG & Cash Prizes/Weekly Draws/Earn
Post by: oldfellow on Sunday 01 October 2023, 12:56:52 am


Win an MG
We are giving away over $50,000 in total prizes!
Draw days are Saturday 14, 21, 28 October, & 3, 11, 18 November

Half-hourly draws from 2pm-6pm. Plus, every winner receives a entry into the draw to win the car!

2:00pm- $500

2:30pm- $250

3:00pm- $500

3:30pm- $250

4:00pm- $500

4:30pm- $250

5:00pm- $500

5:30pm- $250

6:00pm- $1,000


Major Draw: Sat 17 December

1 Key holder will win the Car!

2nd place: $1,000

3rd place: $500


How to enter:

Spend $5 on food, beverages or Bingo
Play $10 on any gaming machine
Daily swipe at the Members Kiosk
Winners must be present.