a Focus Bike

When you see the QR code on screen while watching the Santos Tour Down Under, scan it for your chance to win a Focus Izalco Max 9.8 valued at $10,999 AUD!
All you need to do is enter the details below and tell us in 25 words or less what behind the scenes experience you would like to have at the Santos Tour Down Under and why?
The competition is open from 12.01am ACDT Friday 12 January 2024 – Sunday 21 January 2024 at 11.59pm ACDT. Winners will be notified by email on Friday 26 January 2024.
Competition terms and conditions | South Australian Tourism Commission privacy policy
Tell us in 25 words or less what behind the scenes experience you would like to have at the Santos Tour Down Under and why?
Promoter South Australian Tourism Commission (ABN 80 485 623 691), a body
corporate under the South Australian Tourism Commission Act 1993 (SA) of
Level 9, 250 Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga, Adelaide, South Australia
Name of Promotion Scan & Win a Focus Bike – Santos Tour Down Under Broadcast Promotion
Website ttps://
Relevant State/s South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia,
Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory
Entry Restrictions Entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Entrants must live in Australia
Promotion Period 12.01am ACDT Friday 12 January 2024 – Sunday 21 January 2024 at
11.59pm ACDT
Entry Method ☐ Code Word
Click here to enter text.
☒ Web Entry
To enter, an entrant must, do the following during the promotional period:
1. Scan the QR code which directs to the entry page.
2. Input the requested details into the online entry form (including name,
contact number, postcode and email address)
3. Tell us in 25 words or less what behind the scenes experience you would
like to have at the Santos Tour Down Under and why?
☐ Email Entry
Click here to enter text.
☐ Daily Judging
Click here to enter text.
☐ Other
Click here to enter text.
Maximum Number of Entries N/A
Judging Date and Time 4PM ACST Tuesday 23 January 2024
Judging Criteria Each valid entry will be judged by a representative of the Promoter based
on the competition criteria. A panel of two (2) representatives chosen by the
Promoter to determine the one (1) winner(s).
Entries must abide by selection criteria and submission guidelines as
outlined below:
Creativity (25%): How creative is the response
Relevance to Theme (25%): How closely does the response relate to the
Quality of Entry (25%): How well has the response been written.
Authenticity (25%): How authentic is the response.
Prize Details Focus Izalco Max 9.8
Size L
Prize Restrictions (if any) Sizes depend of availability of stock.
Total Prize Pool $10,999 AUD
Notification of Winners Winners will be notified by email no later than Friday 26 January 2024.
Prize Claim Date and Time 5PM ACST Wednesday 31 January 2024.
If the prize(s) are unclaimed by the unclaimed prize selection date, the
Promoter will award the prize(s) to the Eligible Entrant(s) who came runner-
up when the entries were judged, subject to any directions from any
regulatory authority. Unclaimed prize draw date: 11:00AM ACST on 1
February 2024.
Prize Delivery Prize will be delivered to the winner