We're giving 1x winner the chance to take home a Set for Life pack of 5x Jumbo tickets (that’s entry into 35 draws!) worth $235.75! Simply tell us what your ultimate summer adventure is and why.
To enter, eligible entrants must:
1. comment their answer to the Promotional Question on the Post on Facebook OR Instagram, AND
2. follow @TheLott on Facebook AND Instagram.
*Prize is 5x Set for Life Jumbo entries (35 draws) valued at $235.75 for 1x winner.
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=984288270399463&set=a.640901931404767Competition is open to persons residing in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Northern Territory, South Australia, Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania who are 18 years of age or older. Promotion ends 12:00pm AEST 20 November, 2024.