Have you headed out to Kangaroo Beach yet?
Season 3 of this Australian animated show will be on from 6am on ABC iview and 8.15am on ABC Kids. Get ready for more sun-soaked fun as Pounce, Gemma, Neville, and Frizzy are back for another high-energy summer, training as junior lifeguard cadets. This season, they're joined by Spyke, a daring echidna from the bush who's ready to shake things up as the newest recruit. To celebrate season 3, we have five prize packs to give away. Each contains a Kangaroo Beach showbag, T-shirt, Neville figurine, plush toy and poster.
To enter, colour in the picture and then ask your parent or carer to take a photograph & email it to
funday@sundaytelegraph.com.auPlease put Kangaroo Beach in the subject line and fill in the coupon so we can contact you if you are a winner.
Entries must be in by Thursday so they can be published in next week's paper.