Firstly WELCOME!
This FAQ was compiled by Traveller.
Hopefully this will answer all your questions about comping or redirect you to the right
place. This post by Administrator is worth reading by clicking the following
link: //
this site really free? Yes!
It's run by normal everday people like yourself who love entering competitions and love winning!
If you'd like to support the club and help pay for the hosting and stuff like that well that's great, but you don't have to pay anything at all.
I heard about CompFolio, what's that?
Compfolio is a super-dooper software package created especially for the Compingclub.
It keeps track of the comps you've entered, how much you've won and things like that.
You can't buy it but if you support the club by contributing towards the running costs you can get it for free! By the way, you don't realy need Compfolio, you can do everything Compfolio can with a pen and paper, but you'll need lots of pens and stacks of paper because there are so many comps to keep track of!
How do I enter
competitions? There are many forms of competitions: Web competitions -
Enter online Magazine competitions - You need to buy the magazine to enter
(sometimes coupons) Phone-in competitions - You require to enter via sms or
call. Radio competition - Listen to the radio Mail-in - Snail mail
NOTE: If you see a competition post, Do NOT hit reply and enter
that way. Please read the thread first post. Usually the instructions of how to
enter are there. If someone has missed something like posting the url (website)
check the next few posts as someone usually will post it if it is missing. There
have been incidents where people have posted their details in
How does this site have so many competitions? Members
just like you! Friendly caring helping members who make this site what it is.
Members post competitions they find and share it with the comping
If I want to help out, How do I find
competitons? Suggestions of what to look for click the following link: //
You can find competions in your local supermarket, listening to the radio and
other places including online.
I found a competition, How do I see if
the competition is posted already? Sylph's guide to checking a comp is
posted click the following link: //
competition I found isn't posted, How do I post it? On the left hand
side, click "Post a competition" Select the type of competition. Put the
closing date (Usually in the terms and conditions) This put the competition in
the calender.
What is the calender? The calender has
competitions listed by their closing dates. This is why it helps to put the
closing date on competitions so everyone knows when it ends and can get their
entries in. Click "Competition Calendar" on the left menu or "Calendar" Tab
I don't have time to post a competition, Can someone else post
it for me? Although it is encouraged newbies to post their competitions
you can ask someone to post it or even post one there is waiting be posted by
clicking the following link: // Note: Be
sure to post you have posted the competition after you have done it and not
I posted a competiton already posted oops? It is better
to be posted twice than not at all. Mods will see this and merge the two threads
together. Thank you for taking time to post a competition.
Who are the Moderators and how do I contact them? You
can click on the Moderators IM button under their name, to the left of their
post and send them a personal message Another way is scroll down on the main
page of acc ( and you will see mods names are in red who are
online, You can contact anyone of them by sending them a personal message...
Click their name. Next page you will see send a private message. Mods will also
have stars flashing next to their name.
The following members are
Chuck Fishbrick Flika Gabcross H0pez Hanky_panky Holygrail Kalah Major Tom Mininesslyn Powerette Quickie Sylph Teash Terra75 Zoe
is that moving thing on the front page? That is the scroller. It shows
recent posts. If you post on the forum your post will be showned in the scroll
until more posts are posted.
How do I know which competition I won and
who to thank? The best place to thank is when you tell us what you won in
Tell us what you won section. Nothing better to keep those on the WIW's on the
couch motivated than hearing others great wins. Try to search for the prize you
won to find out who posted it if it didn't come with where it was from.
Sometimes someone else might have won the same prize and thanked them already
saving you time searching. If you haven't won anything this is a great pick me
up thread.
I am so confused, Is there anyone who can help me? Some
members have volunteered as Comping mentors to help out. Click the following
link: //
are all these different headings on the main page? This forum is divided
into sections otherwise there would be choas and everything messy. Sections
are: Public Foyer General Comps On-going Comps Free
Stuff Classifieds Expired Help and Assistance I'm Lost Special
What is in these sections, How do I know which one to
use? Public Foyer
This is where you read the rules and guidelines, Ask a question, give
suggestions and mostly where you can say Hi and introduce yourself! Note:
There is a timer on the welcome threads, but by that time though you will be one
of us regulars.
General Comps
This sections is where you find the competitions. They are divided into what
form of competition they are.
On-going Comps This section is for
competitions that are repeative. Some sites have competitions every week, or a
chance to win daily or enter daily. Click the following for a list of the
competitions that are on-going and guide how to post in the section... Daily:
// Weekly: // Fortnightly:
// Monthly: //
Free Stuff Samples, Offers and
FREEBIES are posted here.
Classifieds Won something you don't
want? Trade, Buy and Sell here. Please read the following thread // There other
threads you might find helpful but you should navigate on your own to get a
handle of things better.
Expired Competitions and unwanted
prizes sold
Help and
Assistance Still need help here is the place including tips to winning
competitions and techinical problems.
Discussions This is a great area. You
can share your entries, tell everyone what you won, trade entry coupons or just
general chat.
I'm Lost
This is where you post if you are very confused. When a Moderator has time they
will move your post to the appropriate area.
Special Events In the case of a big
competition that is a hot topic of discussion this is the place to find
What is an Avatar? An avatar is your display picture next
to your name.
What is that underneath everyones post? You can
have a signature that goes at the bottom of every post you write.
do I add an avatar or signature? Click my information on the left on the
menu and there are some avatars in there but you can upload your own. Scroll
down and you can add your signature there.
The Nitty Gritty A few things that people
need to consider
Please be nice to eachother there has been events in the
past that have made very lovely members leave who contributed greatly to this
Please edit your post instead of double posting.
If you wish
to thank someone for a post please private message them otherwise the threads
would be filled with thank you messages. Better yet there is a blanket thank you
located by clicking the following link: //
Do not
ask for certain types of competitions. Please try looking for them by using the
search option or googling. You might find a competition not listed.
If something isn't posted like an answer or codeword. Please
help to get it because chances are if someone knew it it would be
Terminology Lol - Laugh out loud WIW - Winning
in waiting - Often referred to sitting on the couch WEM - Winning
Email WPC - Winning Phone Call WIM - Win in Mail Omg - Oh my god MIA
- Missing in Action
TIPS The BIGGEST! tip I recommend is make
a new email for comping. You receive alot of newsletters, confirmations, signups
If you are on a slow connection right click the competition and
click open in new tab. Enter a competition as the others load.
Make a
signature of your details in your email so when you enter competitions via email
you only need to click your signature.
If you are the only user on the
computer, get competition websites to save your login and password. Saves you
logging in each time. Only! If noone else uses your computer. You don't want
people accessing you details on a public computer.
Turn on Autocomplete.
This saves your previously entered details. If a competition uses the same form
name all you need to do is double click the box. Turn autocomplete on by
Tools - Internet Options - Content - Under Autocomplete: Settings - Tick the box
Web Forms - Click ok and you are done.
How do I know I've won?
Google your name, check winners list, check your email, answer your phone or
be surprised. The best prizes are the unexpected ones.
Scams Please take time to look the scams section at the following link // Some
competitions are not scams however there are competitions with fine print and
end up costing you money. An example of this is What colour is the ten dollar
bill? SMS your answer to (phone number). What alot of people don't notice is the
fine print "By entering you accept to receive messages at $5 each. You will
receive upto 6 msgs a month. SMS 'STOP' to stop receiving messages".
Unfortunately you don't find out until you receive the bill. Just be wary of
such competitions.
I hope this helps. Please Note I looked at other
threads to get the most common asked things. Thank you to everyone who answered
questions to save me time thinking of FAQ's. Good Luck Comping everyone!