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| | |-Comping Club  ESPN - Win the ultimate trip for two to New Orleans (closes 9pm AEST)
Entry Details
  • Trip for 2 to New Orleans ESPN     Closing Date: Sunday 09 February 2025

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Author Topic: ESPN - Win the ultimate trip for two to New Orleans (closes 9pm AEST)  (Read 59 times)  (Replies 0 posts)
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These Competition Terms and Conditions consist of the Entry Details, the Standard Terms and Conditions and
any other documents issued by the Promoter into which these Competition Terms and Conditions are
incorporated by reference. It is important that you read and understand these Competition Terms and
Conditions, particularly paragraphs about ESPN’s legal responsibility to you. If you do not understand these
Competition Terms and Conditions, you should seek help to understand them. By entering into the competition,
you acknowledge and accept these Competition Terms and Conditions.
A. Competition Period Entry is open from 27 January 2025 at 12:00AM AEDT and closes on 9 February 2025 at 9:00PM AEDT. Entry can only be made during the Competition Period.
B. Eligibility You must be 21 years of age or older at the time of submitting an entry, and be a resident of Australia or New Zealand
C. How to Enter During the Competition Period, eligible entrants must:
I. II. III. IV. Visit the competition page located at (the “Competition Page”);
Click the “Generate” button to receive a randomly generated Sickie
Excuse. Entrants may regenerate excuses until they find the one they like;
Complete the entry form, including first name, last name, valid email
address and mobile phone number; and
Submit the entry form to generate a unique “Sickie Certificate”
(the “Entry”)
Failure to include all required information will result in the Entry being deemed
Once the Entry is completed, entrants will receive a shareable link embedded with
a unique code which can be used to earn bonus entries by:
I. II. sharing the link with a friend via their chosen platform; and
having the friend use the unique link to complete their own Entry during
the Competition Period.
Entrants can earn five (5) bonus entries per friend who enters via a shared link, for
up to twenty (20) friends, equating to a total maximum of one hundred (100)
bonus entries.
D. Entry Limits Eligible entrants may enter once only, and receive up to one hundred (100)
additional bonus entries.
E. Prize Details There will be one (1) prize (the “Prize”) to be won as follows:
o A trip for two (2) (both 21 years or older at the time of receiving the Prize) to
New Orleans, USA for five (5) nights, between 27 April 2025 – 4 May 2025,
consisting of:
o two (2) tickets to the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival (General
Admission), valued at AU$500.00 inclusive of GST;
o two (2) tickets to attend a New Orleans Airboat ride, valued at AU$110.00
inclusive of GST;
o two (2) tickets to a Brewery Tour, valued at AU$150.00 inclusive of GST;
o two (2) return economy flights to New Orleans Louis Armstrong
International Airport from nearest Australian or New Zealand capital city,
valued at a maximum of AU$7,000.00 inclusive of GST;
Ultimate New Orleans Experience - Terms and Conditions
o five (5) nights’ accommodation in a New Orleans at a minimum 4-star
hotel for two (2), valued at a maximum of AU$3,475.00 inclusive of GST;
o AU$500.00 cash spending money; and
o return airport to hotel transfers in New Orleans for two (2), valued at a
maximum of AU$750.00 inclusive of GST.
The total competition prize pool is valued at AU$12,485.00 inclusive of GST
The return flights will be booked out of the Australian or New Zealand capital city
that is nearest to the Winner’s residential address.
Prizing and/or experiences and costs are subject to change at the time of booking.
Other restrictions, terms and conditions as determined by ESPN also apply to the
Prize and will be notified to the Winners.
The Prize excludes:
o any domestic flights within the winner’s country of residence or
any other transportation from/to the winner’s residence to/from
the Departure Airport;
o baggage fees;
o insurance (health, travel, medical);
o parking fees;
o room service, laundry service, or spa treatments;
o food or beverages;
o merchandise, souvenirs;
o incidental expenses;
o local or long-distance telephone calls;
o tips, gratuities, service charges;
o federal, state and local taxes, except as expressly stated in the
Prize; and
o costs and expenses not expressly stated in the Prize.
F. Winner Selection 9:00AM AEDT on 10 February 2025 (the “Selection Date”).
G. Notification of
The Winner will be notified by phone and in writing via email 10 February 2025
(“Notification Date”). The Winner will also be announced during ESPN Broadcast
of Super Bowl on 10 February 2025.
All reasonable attempts will be made to contact the Winner.
H. Publication Details
(if applicable)
The Winner’s last name, initial of their first name and postcode will be published
on the Competition Page within 30 days of the Winner Selection and Unclaimed
Prize Draw will remain published on the Competition Page for a minimum of 28
days from the Notification Date.
I. Prize Claim
Upon notification by ESPN (as detailed at Item G), winners must claim their Prize
within fourteen (14) days of the Selection Date.
J. Unclaimed Prize
If for whatever reason any Prize is not claimed by the Prize Claim Deadline, or the
entrant is deemed ineligible to enter the Competition and claim a Prize, an
unclaimed prize draw for the relevant Prize will be carried out on 24 February
2025 at 11:59AM AEDT.
The winner of the unclaimed prize draw will be notified in writing within 7 days of
the draw and provided with details on how to claim the Prize.
If the Prize is not claimed as part of this unclaimed prize draw ESPN, in its sole
discretion, will forfeit that Prize and no substitute will be offered.
Ultimate New Orleans Experience - Terms and Conditions
K. Promoter ESPN Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 40 091 402 327) (“ESPN”) of Building 10, Level 3, 658
Church Street, Richmond 3121, Australia.
L. Location for prize
draw and
unclaimed prize
Anouconcept as trustee for The Anou Unit Trust at 84 Wellington Street, St Kilda
VIC 3182.
M. Permit Numbers (if
NSW: NTP/12083
ACT: TP 24/03077.1
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