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| | |-Comping Club  Win 1/6 $500 Junk wardrobe (25wol)
Entry Details
  • Win 1/6 $500 Junk wardrobe     Closing Date: Monday 07 March 2011

Prizes you can win
 Category   • Clothing & Footwear 
Prizes may include Jeans, Shirts, Hats, Shoes, Boots etc ...
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Author Topic: Win 1/6 $500 Junk wardrobe (25wol)  (Read 931 times)  (Replies 1 posts)
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« : Sunday 19 December 2010, 05:29:07 pm »
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Win a Junk wardrobe valued at $500!


Went a bit over the top with your spring clean? Need a new wardrobe? Here’s your chance to score a brand new summer wardrobe thanks to Junk! Whether it’s a night out with the girls or a lazy Sunday at the beach, Junk brings the latest international trends to fun loving girls.

This summer, Junk wants you to get in on the fun, with the chance to win one of six Junk wardrobes, valued at $500 each.

Don’t forget to check out:

Entrants may only enter once.

To enter, all you have to do is tell us in 25 words or less what’s your favourite summer trend and why?


T&C's goes into scrambled mode when I copy/paste ... sorry
Go for it, give it a tweet!             


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« Reply #1 : Monday 07 March 2011, 10:53:09 am »
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I see what you mean.  How strange! ~ tigers

Conditions of Entry – Summer Special Win a Junkk Wardrobe

Information on “how to enter” and prizes form part of conditions of entry. Entry  into this competition deems acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Enter by telling us in 25-words-or-less,, your answer to the question posed in Girlffriend Summer
Special Magazine cover--dated Summer 2010/2011. Enter an original submission via the internet at Alternatively, ssend an SMS too 197 33 222 starting your message with the
corresponding CODEWORD, followed by your name and address. Beinteractive maximum SMS ccost
$0.55 inclluding GST. This service is not available from payphones. Helpline 1800 653 344.
Entries must include all requested contact details andd a 25-words-or-less answer to be eligible tto
Entry is o pen to all residdents of Austra alia except empployees and immediate familiees of the Promoter,
associated companies a nd agencies annd participatingg outlets. Immeediate family mmeans any of thhe
following:: spouse, ex sppouse, defacto spouse, child oor step child (wwhether naturaal or by adoptioon),
parent, sttep parent, grandparent, stepp grandparent, uncle, aunt, n iece, nephew, brother, sister , step
brother, sstep sister or 1 st cousin. ThePromoter is Paacific Magazines Pty Ltd, 8 Ceentral Ave, Eveleigh
NSW 20155 (ABN 16 097 410 896).
The comppetition commeences on 06/112/10 at 09:0 0 and closes on 07/03/11 aat 17:00 AEDTT.
The winneers will be the best valid entrries as judged bby the judging panel, having regard to skill,,
creativity and originalityy, at the Promooter’s premises on 14/03/111 at 11:00.
Total prizee value is (up tto) $3000, as at 14/09/100. 6 winners willl each receive::
1 x $5000 JUNK Summmer Wardrobe
The winneers will be notified by mail annd their names will be publishhed online at on 21/03//11.
Prizes willl be sent withinn 8 weeks.
If the Proomoter is unabl e to contact thhe winner to claaim fulfilment oof the promotioonal prize or if the
winner is unable to atte nd any elemennt of the prize, that winner wiill forfeit the prrize in its entireety
and it shaall be awarded to the next runnner up in the promotion. The Promoter willl not be liable for a
winner whho cannot be ccontacted and ttherefore forfeits their prize aand no correspopondence will bbe
entered innto.
10. Entrants may enter only once and onlly one prize wi ll be awarded pper person.
All entrannts under the aage of 18 mustt obtain the prior permission oof their legal p parent or guarddian
over the aage of 18 to ennter. The parennt or guardian may be called to verify conseent and may bee
required tto sign a releasse at the discreetion of the Proomoter. The release will also require the winnner’s
parent or guardian to acccept responsibbility for the accts and forbearances of the wwinner. The releease
must incluude the full namme, address annd telephone nnumber of the wwinner’s legal gguardian. Failure to
provide suuch proof, partticulars or releaases will immeddiately invalidaate the winner’ss entitlement to the
prize, subbject to State a nd Territory legislation.
The Prommoter reserves tthe right in its sole discretion to disqualify aany individual wwho tampers wwith
the entry process. In paarticular, SMS eentries via the internet, compputer generatioon or “scriptingg” are
invalid annd will not be a ccepted. Webssite entries usinng “scripting” for multiple enttries will not bee
accepted.. The cost of seending an SMSS message is thhe entrant’s ressponsibility and d will not exceeed 55
cents incl uding GST. So me service prooviders and calll plans may nott provide accesss to Premium SMS.
Entrants mmust ensure thhat all care is taaken when sennding messagess to enter this SMS promotionn. It
is the ent rant’s responsibility to SMS thhe correct nummber. The Prommoter will not b be liable for cossts
incurred, responses receeived or any otther consequennces of user er ror. Any SMS eentries submitt ed
after the promotion periiod has closed will not be inc luded in the prromotion and wwill be charged 55
cents (inccluding GST).
13. Competition entrants unnder the age off 18 are adviseed that they muust seek their pparent’s/adult
guardian’ss permission beefore entering the competitioon. The Promotter takes no resesponsibility forr
misuse off the SMS servi ce as a methodd of entry.
14. If for any reason this coompetition is noot capable of ruunning as plan ned including iinfection by
computerr virus, mobile phone failure, line drop out, bugs, tamperinng, unauthoriseed interventionn,
fraud, tecchnical failures or any other ccauses beyond the control of the Promoter wwhich corrupts or
affect thee administrationn security, fairnness, integrity or proper condduct of this pro omotion, the
Promoter [subject to staate and territorry legislation] rreserves the rigght to disqualifyfy any individuaal
who tamppers with the e ntry process, aand to cancel, tterminate, moddify or suspendd the promotion.

The Promoter and their associated agencies and companies will not be liable or responsible for any
problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on line systems,
servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, technical problems of the phone or of any
phone network, or any misadventure, accident, injury, loss (including but not limited to
consequential loss) or claim that may occur during the draw; whilst undertaking any travel won on
or connected with their entry into the draw; in the participation in any prize; as a consequence of
late, lost or misdirected mail, email SMS or phone call; due to the broadcast of any program relating
to the competition or the publication of any material, including any statements made by any
compere, staff member, journalist, other entrants or any other person; any injury or damage to
entrant's or any other person's computer software or phone; or any combination thereof, related to
or resulting from participation or sending or receiving of any communication or of any materials in
this competition.
15. All entrants must submit ONLY their own original answers. Any such answers cannot be previously
published in any forum worldwide. All entries become the property of the Promoter and cannot be
returned. Entries that are found to have been derived from the designs of a third party will be
considered invalid and, if awarded a prize, that prize must be returned to the Promoter. The winner
may be required to sign a statutory declaration regarding the originality of the entry. Without
limiting the generality, the Promoter reserves the right to take legal action against anyone found to
have breached this term. The Promoter reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any
individual who the Promoter has reason to believe has breached any of these conditions, or engaged
in any unlawful or other improper misconduct calculated to jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of
the promotion. The Promoter’s legal rights to recover damages or other compensation are reserved.
16. If the prize is unavailable, for whatever reason, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute the
prize for a prize of equal or greater value, subject to State Regulation. It is a condition of accepting
the prize that the winner must comply with all the conditions of use of the prize and prize supplier’s
requirements. Each prize must be taken as stated and no compensation will be payable if a winner is
unable to use the prize as stated.
17. The Promoter highly recommends a current residential street address be provided when requested
for ease of correspondence and potential prize delivery. The Promoter makes all reasonable efforts
to deliver prizes to the addresses provided by competition entrants. The Promoter cannot guarantee
that any prizes returned to the Promoter due to non-delivery at the provided address will be re-sent
to the prize winner.
18. The Promoter reserves the right to request winners to sign a winner’s deed of release or any other
relevant forms or agreements that the Promoter deems necessary, to provide proof of identity, proof
of age, proof of residency at the nominated prize delivery address and/or proof of entry validity
(including phone bill) in order to claim a prize. Proof of identification, residency, age and entry
considered suitable for verification is at the discretion of the Promoter. In the event that a winner
cannot provide suitable proof, the winner will forfeit the prize in whole and no substitute will be
19. The Promoter reserves the right to rejudge in the event of an entrant, claiming to be a winner, being
unable to satisfy these Terms and Conditions.
20. The judges’ decision in relation to any aspect of the competition is final and binding on each person
who enters. Chance plays no part in determining any winner. No correspondence will be entered
into. No responsibility is accepted for late, lost or misdirected entries. Prizes are subject to
availability, not transferable or exchangeable and, with the exception of cash prizes, cannot be taken
as cash. Prizes will be sent to the winner’s nominated address as stated in their original entry. The
Promoter and their associated agencies, and companies associated with this promotion will take no
responsibility for prizes damaged or lost in transit.
21. All entries and any copyright subsisting in the entries become and remain the property of the
Promoter who may publish or cause to be published any of the entries received. Pacific Magazines
Pty Ltd and its related entities collects entrants’ personal information for the purpose of conducting
and promoting this competition (including but not limited to determining and notifying winners) and
for related purposes which would reasonably be expected without your permission. For example, we
may from time to time use your personal information to provide you with information about products
and services which we expect may be of interest to you. However, we do respect your right to direct
us not to do this if and when any future communication is sent to you by the Promoter. We do not
sell personal information to other organisations. We may disclose personal information to essential
service providers who provide services in connection with our products and services. You may
request access to your personal information by writing to The Privacy Officer, Legal Compliance
Department, Pacific Magazines Pty Ltd, 8 Central Ave, Eveleigh NSW 2015.
22. In participating in the prizes, the winners agree to participate and co-operate as required in all
editorial activities relating to the Competition, including but not limited to being interviewed and
photographed. The winners (and their companions) agree to granting the promoter a perpetual and
non-exclusive licence to use such footage and photographs in all media worldwide, including online
social networking sites, and the winners (and their companions) will not be entitled to any fee for
such use.
23. Prize winners are advised that tax implications may arise from their prize winnings and they should
seek independent financial advice prior to acceptance of that prize.
24. To the extent permitted by law, the Promoter shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever
suffered, including but not limited to direct or consequential loss, or personal injury suffered or
sustained during the course of prize winning trips or in connection with the redemption of and/or
use of any other prizes. Any change in value of the prize occurring between the publishing date and
date the prize is claimed is not the responsibility of the Promoter.

Go for it, give it a tweet!             


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