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  • Meet Nigella Lawson     Closing Date: Saturday 12 February 2011

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« : Wednesday 22 December 2010, 02:56:51 pm »
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Meet Nigella!

LifeStyle FOOD is giving two lucky winners the opportunity to meet Nigella Lawson on stage at Theatre Of Ideas presented by LifeStyle FOOD at the Melbourne Food And Wine Festival.

Included in the prize are return flights to Melbourne from the winner’s closest Australian capital city, five-star luxury accomodation at The Langham, Melbourne, return transfers from Melbourne Airport to The Langham thanks to Altitude Volvo and a copy of Nigella’s new book Kitchen. Each prize is valued at up to $4,195.95 each!

To enter this amazing competition, simply answer the question below.

Please indicate whether you would like to attend the event on Saturday the 12th March or Sunday the 13th March. Tickets not transferable.

Melbourne Food and Wine Festival
4-14th March 2011

In 25 words or less, tell us why you would like to meet Nigella at the MFWF's Theatre of Ideas presented by LifeStyle FOOD Channel?



1.   Entry into The LifeStyle FOOD Channel’s “Meet Nigella” competition (the “Competition”) is open to all residents of Australia who are over the age of 18 years. The Promoter is XYZnetworks Pty Limited (ABN: 71 066 812 119) of Level 1, 5 Thomas Holt Drive, North Ryde, NSW 2113 (the “Promoter”).  Information on how to enter forms part of the terms of entry.  Entry into the Competition is deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions.

2.   The officers, management and employees (or immediate family of an officer, manager or employee) of the Promoter, the agencies associated with this Competition, FOXTEL, AUSTAR, Optus TV and their related bodies corporate are not eligible to enter.

3.   Competition begins at 12.01am (AEDT) on Wednesday 22nd December 2010 and closes at 11:59pm (AEDT) on Saturday 12th February 2011 (the “Competition Period”).

4.   To enter the Competition and be eligible to win, entrants must:

(a)   Be a FOXTEL, AUSTAR or Optus TV subscriber, or live in a household which has  FOXTEL, AUSTAR or Optus TV subscription and have the subscriber’s permission.The  subscriber’s account must not be in arrears for the duration of the Promotion;
(b)   be over the age of 18 years;
(c)   register for membership online at,
(d)   complete the online entry form; and
(e)   in 25 words or less answer the following question “Tell us why you would like to meet Nigella at the MFWF’s Theatre of Ideas presented by LifeStyle FOOD Channel?” (the “Competition Question”).

5.   All entries must include the entrant’s name, address, postcode, daytime phone number (including area code), mobile phone number (if applicable), email address and date of birth to be eligible for entry. Incomplete entries or those with defamatory, copyrighted, pre-used or offensive content will be ineligible. It is the entrants’ responsibility to inform the Promoter if their residential address, email address or phone number changes during the Competition Period.

6.   Multiple entries are permitted. The use of any automated software or any other mechanical or electronic means that permits the participant automatically to enter repeatedly is prohibited (“Repeat Entry Device”). If the Promoter reasonably believes that an entrant is using any Repeat Entry Device, the Promoter may disqualify that entrant without notice.


7.   There are two prizes, valued at up to $4,195.95 each. The prize consists of:

Prize One

   Two return domestic economy airfares from the prize winner’s nearest capital city to Melbourne departing Saturday 12th March 2011 and returning Sunday 13th March 2011 valued at up tp $2,800. Flight times to be confirmed when winner is notified.
   One night accommodation for two at The Langham Hotel Melbourne in a classic room (check-in Saturday 12th March 2011 and check-out Sunday 13th  March 2011) valued at up to $776 including breakfast for two on Sunday morning;
   Return transfers from Melbourne Airport to The Langham Hotel valued at $240
   Double passes to the 2011 Theatre Of Ideas event valued at $320.
   One Copy of Nigella’s new cookbook ‘Kitchen’ valued at $59.95

Prize Two
•   Two return domestic economy airfares from the prize winner’s nearest capital city to Melbourne
departing Sunday 13th March 2011 and returning Monday 14th March 2011 valued at up to $2,800. Flight times to be confirmed when winner is notified.
•   One night accommodation for two at The Langham Hotel Melbourne in a classic room (check-in Sunday 13th March 2011, check out Monday 14th March 2011) valued at up to $776 including breakfast on the Monday morning
•   Return transfers from Melbourne Airport to The Langham Hotel valued at $240
•   Double passes to the 2011 Theatre Of Ideas event valued at $320.
•   One Copy of Nigella’s new cookbook Kitchen valued at $59.95

(the “Prize”). 

8.   The two winners will meet Nigella on her stage at the Theatre Of Ideas. The winners will have the chance to see up close the dishes Nigella is cooking and have the opportunity to ask her some questions.

9.   The total maximum Prize pool value is up to $8,391.90 (2 x prizes each valued at up to $4,195.95).
The Prize values are the recommended retail values as provided by the suppliers and are correct at the time of printing. The Promoter is neither responsible nor liable for any change in the value of the Prize occurring between publishing date and date the Prize is claimed.  All Prize values are in Australian dollars.

10.   The Prize must be taken as a whole. The Prize is not transferable or redeemable for cash. The Prize or any element of the Prize cannot be exchanged for any other Prize. The contents of the Prize will be at the Promoter’s sole discretion. The Prize is subject to availability and the terms and conditions of the entities supplying the Prize. The dates and venues specified in clause 7 cannot be changed at a later date.

11.   The Competition will be judged on the basis of creativity at the LifeStyle FOOD Channel, Level 1, 5 Thomas Holt Drive, North Ryde, NSW 2113 on Wednesday 16th February at 3.00pm 2011 (AEDT). Chance plays no part in the selection of the Prize winner. The Prize winner will be notified via phone on Thursday 17th February 2011 and their name published on the LifeStyle FOOD Channel website from Monday 21st February 2011. The Prize must be claimed within 7 days of the publication of the Prize winner.

12.   If a Prize winner cannot be contacted or does not claim the Prize by the stipulated date, then the Prize will be forfeited and a substitute prize will not be offered in lieu of the Prize.


13.   In order to be eligible to enter the Competition, entrants must be over the age of 18. The Prize winner and their guest must all be over the age of 18 in order to participate in the Prize.  Entries received from entrants who are under 18 years of age will be ineligible for entry.


14.    It is a condition of entry that the Prize winner and their guest must be available to travel to and stay at The Langham, Melbourne on the dates specified by the Promoter in clause 7 to coincide with the event. Travel insurance is advisable for Prize winner/s for any unforeseen and unpredictable circumstances.

15.   It is the sole responsibility of the Prize winner and their guest to ensure that their personal documentation (including but not limited to passports, Visas etc) is valid. Any expenditures incurred as a result of not meeting such requirements are the sole responsibility of the Prize winner and/or their guest.

16.   In the event that the Prize winner is a resident of Melbourne, (which shall be determined in the absolute discretion of the Promoter), the flight component of the Prize will be forfeited in full and no substitute will be offered.

17.   All ancillary costs incurred in taking and using the Prize (including but not limited to transfers to and from airport in Prize winner’s capital city, meals (other than those indicated in the itinerary) mini bar, spending money, insurance and taxes) are the responsibility of the Prize winner and their guest. Unless expressly stated as being part of the Prize, all other expenses are the sole responsibility of the Prize winner and their guest.

18.   All prize winners are advised that Tax implications may arise from their prize winnings and they should seek independent financial advice prior to acceptance of their prize.

19.   The Promoter reserves the right to refuse to allow the Prize winner or his or her guest to take part in any or all aspects of the Prize, if the Promoter determines, in its absolute discretion, that a Prize winner or his or her guest are not in the mental or physical condition necessary to be able safely to participate in the Prize.

20.   All entrants agree to provide the Promoter or the Promoter’s authorised agent with proof of identity, residency, age and/or proof of entry validity if selected as the Prize winner/s or if reasonably requested by the Promoter or the Promoter’s authorised agent. Proof of age, identification, residency and entry considered suitable for verification is at the sole discretion of the Promoter. In the event that the Prize winner cannot provide suitable proof, the Prize winner will forfeit the Prize in whole and no substitute will be offered.

21.   No responsibility will be taken by the Promoter, LifeStyle FOOD, FOXTEL, AUSTAR or Optus TV for any changes in dates, times or cancellations or other arrangements that may prevent the Prize winner from winning the Prize.

22.   The Promoter reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, at any time before the awarding of the Prizes to cancel or vary the Competition or to vary or cancel the award of the Prizes including, without limitation, circumstances where in the Promoter’s opinion (which it shall form in its absolute discretion):
(a) a Prize winner does not satisfy the Competition entry requirements; or
(b) the Promoter cannot conduct the Competition or award the Prize/s for any reason beyond its control.

23.   In the event that the Promoter cancels or varies the Competition or varies or withdraws the Prizes it shall not:
(a)   be liable to any person for any loss or damage (including loss or damage caused by any negligence) arising out of, or in connection with, such cancellation, variation or withdrawal; and
(b)   be required to conduct the Competition at any other time.

24.   No responsibility will be accepted by the Promoter for late, lost or misdirected entries and all entries are deemed to be received at the time of receipt of the entry into the Promoter’s database and NOT time of transmission by the entrant. The Promoter will accept no responsibility for any delays to entry caused by technical disruptions or malfunctions. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for outdated or incorrect contact details or contact details by which the entrant cannot be contacted during business hours on the relevant dates.

25.   The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any Prizes that are damaged, delayed or lost in transit.

26.   The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any individual who, as determined in the sole discretion of the Promoter, has engaged in unlawful or improper conduct that is designed to jeopardise the fair conduct of the Competition. The Promoter reserves any legal rights to recover compensation, including but not limited to damages, from such an offender

27.   Entrants are advised that their personal information may be disclosed to State and Territory lottery departments and their names as the winner may be published as required under the relevant lottery legislation

28.   A decision of the Promoter in relation to the conduct of the Competition is binding and conclusive and no correspondence will be entered into.

29.   Entrants enter the Competition at their sole risk. With the exception of liability which cannot be excluded by law, the Promoter shall not be liable for any loss or damage which is suffered (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss) or for personal injury suffered or sustained as a result of taking the Prize or entering the Competition.

30.   All entries become the property of the Promoter and may be communicated to the public by the Promoter or used for promotional purposes, subject to the Promoter’s privacy policy which is available at By entering the Competition, the Prize winner agrees to the use of their name, image, audio-visual recording and/or photograph/s, without compensation, and agrees that the Promoter will own copyright in any such images, audio-visual recordings and photograph/s.

If you require any further entry details please write to XYZnetworks Pty Limited (ABN: 71 066 812 119) at GPO Box 2692 Sydney NSW 2001.
Go for it, give it a tweet!             


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