to declutter your handbag + Saquito bag giveaway!
Enter the giveaway for your chance to WIN a fabulous ‘Soy Latte’ Saquito bag – a boutique carry bag with a unique flat base to keep your items upright and organised wherever you go. Here’s how to enter:
Step 1: Subscribe to my Declutterhome Blog (simply fill in your email address at the top right of this website) and ‘like’ Declutterhome Facebook.
Step 2: Email me a before and after picture of your decluttered handbag, as well as your answer to this question… I deserve a Saquito bag because… ?
Step 3: Send your pictures and answer to and include your full name, mailing address and contact phone number.NOTE: Competition closes on Wednesday the 10th of October at 6pm. The winner will be announced on Friday the 12th of October via Facebook.
1 entry per person.