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   Wednesday 12 March 2025, 03:35:25 pm   
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| | |-Comping Club  Student Edge - Memb -Win an ultimate Chatime and HOYTS package for you/friend
Entry Details
  • Chatime & Hoyts Package     Closing Date: Thursday 22 December 2022

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 Category   • Entertainment 
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Win an ultimate Chatime and HOYTS package for you and a friend!

Spin to Win
Spin the wheel daily for your chance to win!
Competition End Date: 22/12/2022

Competition details
Take the boba to the big screen 😍

What's better than bubble tea and movies? Both of them together.

Enter our spin to win competition to go in the running to win our epic Chatime x HOYTS package!

We're giving away 10 prize packages, each including:

Two reusable Chatime lightup cups
Two Chatime drink vouchers
Two HOYTS vouchers
All you have to do is spin to win, and you and a mate could be living it up with some tasty tea and the latest flick.

Enter now!

HOYTS Restricted Vouchers Conditions of Use:
- This voucher must be exchanged at the Box Office or Candy Bar or redeemed at for your ticket.
- This voucher is redeemable for one (1) general admission ticket for one (1) adult:
- for any session (except Saturday and from 2pm and onwards) at HOYTS Cinemas in Australia
- for any DBOX Cinema, 3D and/or Xtremescreen movie session with an upgrade fee, which will be applied at time of redemption
- and is valid until the expiry date indicated and cannot be exchanged, extended or replaced.
- If redeemed at both the pass number and PIN are required to be entered.  Booking fees will apply.
- HOYTS must approve in writing any material which includes reference to ‘HOYTS’ or ‘HOYTS Complimentary Pass’.  
- This voucher cannot be:
- redeemed and/or upgraded for HOYTS LUX, HOYTS Daybed, No Free Ticket (NFT) sessions or special or group events
- redeemed at affiliated cinemas in Australia (see website for more details)
- used to purchase 3D glasses
- used in conjunction with any other offer
- replaced or refunded if lost, stolen or damaged
- used to purchase any pre-paid movie vouchers, gift cards or HOYTS Rewards memberships
- exchanged for cash and change will not be given irrespective of cinema pricing
- used and/or sold by a person or company as an incentive for a third party to purchase other goods or services or be incorporated into an offer by that person or company for a third party to purchase other goods or services without the prior written consent of The HOYTS Corporation Pty Limited
For session times, locations and full terms and conditions visit Terms and conditions are subject to change at any time.

This competition is not affiliated with Apple App Store.
See competition Terms and Conditions

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This competition ends 22/12/2022 12:00AM
Go for it, give it a tweet!             


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