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  • $50k Sports Club Pines Elanora     Closing Date: Sunday 02 June 2024

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« : Friday 26 April 2024, 10:45:51 am »
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Get ready to 'Score Big' for your sports club!

It’s your turn to compete for the win with our 'Score Big' promotion which will see all 9 clubs take home a share in $50,000.

After three years of ‘Cash for Schools’, The Pines Elanora is shaking things up and introducing ‘Score Big’.

From Monday, April 29th, until Sunday, June 2nd, every dollar spent by customers at The Pines Elanora will translate into valuable points for your nominated sports club.

For every dollar spent in our Specialty Stores (this excludes Kmart, Aldi, Coles, and Woolworths), we will award FIVE points. A spend at Kmart, Aldi, Coles, and Woolworths will earn one point per dollar. Click & Collect and Online delivery spend will be worth 50% – so every dollar spent online will contribute half a point.

Bonus points will be awarded to shoppers who spend on Thursday nights, Sundays, and surprise Bonus Days!

Participating is simple: just make a purchase at any retailer within the Centre during the five-week period and deposit your receipt into your nominated Sports Club box at the promotional area outside Aldi. Alternatively, if you wish to retain their receipt(s), you can visit Centre Management, where we will happily provide a photocopy of the original for submission.

The Pines Elanora is generously giving away a total of $50,000 in cash prizes, including:

1st Prize: $15,000
2nd Prize: $10,000
3rd Prize: $5,000

Plus, $20,000 worth of mystery, sign-on cash bonuses! Every Sports Club that participates will receive a prize.

Your 2024 participating Sports Clubs are as follows:

South Coast Netball
Palm Beach Currumbin Magpies Basketball
Palm Beach Touch
Palm Beach Currumbin AFL
Palm Beach Currumbin Cricket Club
Flex Allstars
Burleigh Bombers AFL
Palm Beach Soccer Club
Tugan Seahawks JRLFC.

Terms and Conditions:

The promotion gives local junior sports clubs the chance to win a share in $50,000 cash for their club.
Item 2: Promoter The Pines Elanora (QLD) ACN 055 688 607
of PO Box 4100, Elanora, Qld 4221 Item3:ParticipatingRetailers Participatingretailers–AllMajorRetails&SpecialityStores.
Item 4: Prize Pool Total Prize Pool of $50,000
1.11. Retail purchases must be made at The Pines Elanora, and points will be allocated to the Participating Sports Club nominated by the customer in accordance with the process outlined in clauses 1.4 & 1.5.
1.12. The winner(s) will be determined on a points per player basis. This will be calculated by taking the points earnt by the Participating Sports Club and dividing this number by the number of players aged 2-14 years at that club (“the club score”).
1.13. WeeklyresultswillbeupdatedonThePinesElanorawebsite&socialmediachannelsevery Monday & Thursday
1.14. The prize pool, as at the date of this publication of these Terms and Conditions, is $50,000. No responsibility is accepted for any variation in the value of the prize pool and incentive prizes.
1.15. EntryisopentoallresidentsofAustralia,EXCEPTEmployeesandtheirimmediatefamilies of the Promoter are not eligible to enter.
1.16. All shopping receipts must be dated during the promotion period and must have the stores stamp clearly printed on it.
2.1. The Promoter reserves the right to promote “Bonus Points” on each Thursday from 5.30pm until centre closing time and on each Sunday during centre trading hours for the duration of the promotion.
2.2. DuringtheBONUSPOINTACTIVITYtimesnotedin2.1above,foreverydollarspentby customers during the BONUS POINT ACTIVITY double points will be awarded to the nominated club.
2.3. CustomerswhospendduringtheBONUSPOINTACTIVITYandthenplacereceiptscorrectly dated and time stamped into the respective club boxes, the clubs will receive two points per dollar spent at Kmart, Aldi, Coles, and Woolworths and 10 points per dollar spent at Speciality Stores.
3.1. The promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any Participating Sports Club from the promotion, where it believes the Participating Sports Club has engaged in un-sportsman like behaviour. Such behaviour includes, but is not limited to, soliciting for receipts within The Pines Elanora Shopping Centre by standing outside of store entrances and asking for receipts and/or searching through trolleys or garbage bins. Asking retailers to “save” receipts, staff working at shops entering receipts from customers that have not been issued or have been disposed of by the genuine customer.
3.2. PriortodisqualifyingtheParticipatingSportsClub,theywillbesentawrittenwarningletter. If the behaviour is repeated, the Participating Sports Club will be disqualified from the promotion and no further correspondence will be entered into.
3.3. Thepromoterreservestheright,initssolediscretion,todisqualifyaCustomerandalltheir points if they are found to have engaged in un-sportsman like behaviour, such as but not limited to, behaviours described in point 3.1 above. Any receipt which is deemed by the promoter to not be original or to be fraudulent will be excluded from the points pool and no discussion will be entered into.
3.4. Iftheprizeorbenefitsaresubjecttoanytax,thewinnersareliableforpaymentofsuchtax. Independent financial advice should be sought.
3.5. Allprizesarecashtobepaidintotheparticipatingclubbankaccountonly.
4.1. The winner of the major prize is checked by a team of representatives of The Pines Elanora Shopping Centre that they are eligible to win under the terms and conditions. We do ask that the winning Sports Club submit in writing to us how they will be using the cash prizes for their club.
4.2. Therespectivewinnerofthemajorprizewillthenbecontactedbytelephoneormailfrom The Pines Elanora Shopping Centre, using the contact details recorded at the time of registration, within five working days of the closing date of the promotion.
4.3. ThePinesElanoraShoppingCentremustconfirmwiththewinneroftheprize/sthatthey wish to claim the prize.
4.4. Ifthewinnerisunwillingorineligibletoclaimtheirprizeorisdeemedtohaveforfeitedtheir prize pursuant to clause 3.2, the prize will be awarded, as the case requires to the next club, on a basis of their club’s points score.
4.5. Byacceptingtheprizes,thewinnersagreetoparticipateinanypublicityarrangements made by or on behalf of the Promoter in relation to this promotion.
4.6. ThePromoterwillnotberesponsibleforanylossordamagewhatsoeverwhichissuffered (including but not limited to direct or consequential loss), or for personal injury suffered or sustained, as a result of taking the prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.
4.7. To the extent permissible by law, Participating Sports Clubs and Customers release the Promoter from any causes of action, loss, liability, damage, expense (including any claim for legal expenses), cost or charge sustained or in any way incurred, as a result of;
(A) taking the prizes
(B) a mistake in the calculation of any Winners (which includes human error and
computer malfunction)
4.8. ThePromotersdecisionisfinalandnocorrespondencewillbeenteredinto. 4.9. The Promoter reserves the rights to cancel the Promotion at anytime.
5.1. The personal information you have provided to ‘The Pines Elanora Shopping Centre” by completing the relevant paperwork including registration forms will be used for the purpose of entry into the promotion only. Your privacy is respected by The Pines Elanora Shopping Centre and your personal information will not be disclosed to or used by any third parties without your consent.
5.2. Pleasenotethisinformationiskeptforaperiodofsixmonths in accordance with QLD gaming regulations, after which time the forms will be destroyed.
• 1st Prize $15,000 - Club with the most “Weighted Points”
• 2nd Prize $10,000 - Club with 2nd most “Weighted Points”
• 3rd Prize $5,000 - Club with 3rd most “Weighted Points”
• 4th Prize - $3,000 - Club with 4th most “Weighted Points”
• 5th Prize - $3,000 - Club with 5th most “Weighted Points”
• 6th Prize - $2,000 - Club with 6th most “Weighted Points”
• 7th Prize - $1,000 - Club with 7th most “Weighted Points”
• 8th Prize - $1,000 - Club with 8th most “Weighted Points”
• 9th Prize - $1,000 - Club with the 9th most “Weighted Points”
Plus Each club receives $1,000 “sign on” (9 clubs) = $9,000
For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions:
“Customer” refers to any person who shops at The Pines Elanora Shopping Centre. Does not include non-retail purchases. Refer to definition below of a retail purchase.
“Eligible Retail Purchases” means any Retail purchase made at The Pines Elanora Shopping Centre during the Promotional Period but excludes:
A. Cashadvances/withdrawals,accountcharges,governmentfees,interestcharges,real estate purchases, bill payments or ATM/Bank transactions. Or
B. Lay-bypayments,exceptwheretheamountpaidcompletesthetransaction/s.Or
C. Transactionsfromanybankingorfinancialinstitution,insurancecompanyor
government entity including Medicare;
D. Onlinepurchases–deliveredtothehomebytheretailer.
“Prizes” means the prizes described in Item 4 Prize Pool to be awarded by the promoter in conjunction with the promotion.
“Promoter” means The Pines Elanora Shopping Centre, “Promotion” means Score Big Promotion 2024
“Promotional Period” means the duration of the campaign, from 7.00am Monday 29 April 2024 until 6.00pm Sunday 2 June 2024.
“Participating Sports Clubs” means any Sports Club which;
E. Completesandsubmitsaregistrationform(signson),signedbyanauthorisedSports Club representative, to participate in this promotion and which submits the registration form before 5.00pm on Friday 12 April 2024.
F. Is located in our Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Trade Areas and
G. AgreestodistributeourweeklynewsletterstotheSportsClubandputthetallyboard
updates in their Sports Club information kits whilst the promotion is running.
“Sports club” means a club, which is invited to participate in this promotion by the Promoter, and meets the criteria of a “Participating Sports Club”.
“Weighted Points” will be calculated by dividing the number of points, based on the value of inserted receipts from each box by the number of registered junior players as described in point 1.12 below
“Winner” or “Winners” means, as the context requires, the overall winner of the entire campaign or the Sports Club with the most amount of points at the end of the campaign. This is then calculated by dividing the total number of points earnt by the club by the number of junior players in the club..
1.1. Information on how to register and prizes form part of these terms and conditions. By registering to participate in “Score Big”, all participating Sports Clubs and Customers accept these terms and conditions.
1.2. ThepromotionisopentoAustralianSportsClubswhoqualifyasaParticipatingSports Club or have been invited and have registered to complete the official registration form by including: the club name, street address, post code, phone number, club representative name, email address (where possible) and the total number of junior players registered at the Sports Club. The authorized representative must sign the registration form in the space provided. By submitting a registration form participating Sports Clubs accept these terms and conditions, including without limitations to, the arrangements with respect to GST as specified in 3.4.
1.3. ThepromotionisopentoallresidentsinAustralia,howeveremployeesofThePines Elanora and their immediate families are not eligible to enter the promotion.
1.4. TheScoreBigPromotionwillcommenceat7.00amMonday29April2024andcloseat 6.00pm Sunday 2 June 2024.
1.5. Toaccumulatepoints,ORIGINALcustomerreceiptsmustbeinsertedintotheboxmarked for the club to be supported, for inclusion by the promotion close time and date.
1.6. ToallocatepointstoaParticipatingSportsClub,customersmustplacetheirreceiptsinthe entry boxes located in centre for the club they wish to support. Each dollar spent at Kmart, Aldi, Coles, and Woolworths equals one point while each dollar spent at Speciality Stores equals 5 points. See also BONUS POINT ACTIVITIES point 2.1.
1.7. If a customer wishes to retain their receipt(s), they may present receipt(s) to Centre Management during Office Hours (Mon to Fri 9.00 am to 5.30 pm) to receive a photocopy of the receipt(s). The ORIGINAL Receipt must then be placed in the relevant box.
1.8. Photocopied,handwritten,creditcardpaymentslipsorduplicateinvoicesWILLNOTqualify for points.
1.9. Online purchases delivered to the home by the retailer are NOT eligible.
1.10. Retail purchases must only be made at retailers located in The Pines Elanora, Qld.

Go for it, give it a tweet!             


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