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   Wednesday 12 March 2025, 10:38:45 pm   
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| | |-Comping Club  Campbelltown Catholic Club - Win share $10,000 Cash 12/2/25/Earn/Lucky Dip
Entry Details
  • Share $10,000 Cash/Lucky Dip     Closing Date: Wednesday 12 February 2025

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« : Monday 03 February 2025, 02:39:04 am »
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Win up to $10,000!
Join us Wednesday nights for your chance to win $10,000 cash!

$5,000 MUST BE WON every Wednesday night! Choose the right ball & you could WIN $10,000.

100 Prizes balls include:
1 x $10,000
1 x $5,000
1 x $4,000
1 x $3,000
1 x $2,000
95 x $1,000


Winners drawn every hour from 7-11pm.

Simply swipe your card at any Members Kiosk, Till or Gaming Machine for your chance to win. Earn 1 entry every hour from 6pm.

Conditions of Entry
1. Campbelltown Catholic Club Employees, Directors, Golf Professional and his/her employees and their respective spouses are ineligible to enter.
2. You must be a financial Member to participate. Suspended and Banned Persons are not eligible.

3. Draws will take place at Campbelltown Catholic Club every Wednesday at 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, 10pm & 11pm until Wednesday 18 December.
4. You must be present and claim your prize within 4 minutes to win. Redraws will continue every 4 minutes until each prize is claimed.
5. Barrel is cleared after the 9pm and 11pm draws each week.

6. At the start of each month the prize barrel contains 100 balls: 1 x $10,000, 1 x $5,000, 1 x $4,000, 1 x $3,000, 1 x $2,000 and 95 x $1,000 balls.
7. Each winner will spin the barrel and select a ball to reveal their prize.
8. Once a prize ball is drawn it is not replaced for the duration of that month.

How To Enter
9. Entries are earnt by card usage during the 6-11pm promotional period.
10. 1 entry can be earnt an hour through each of the following touch points: Members Kiosk, POS, EGM’s.
11. Entry Multipliers apply for each Membership Tier. Bronze 1:1, Silver: 2:1, Gold 3:1, Platinum & Platinum + 5:1.

12. Draws will be announced over the PA system in the Main Club Lounge, Gaming room and Harvest Bistro. Announcement will not be broadcast to other areas of the Club including Private Function Rooms, The CUBE, and club restaurants. It is the Members responsibility to ensure they are in an area where the draw can be heard.
13. Winners can take a maximum of $5,000 in cash, balance will be paid by cheque.
14. Winner’s consent to the publication of their name and or photograph in any form of advertising Campbelltown Catholic Club sees fit.
15. Campbelltown Catholic Club reserves the right to discontinue this promotion at any time.
16. By participating in the promotion Members consent to these terms and conditions.
17. Authorised under NSW Permit TP/02084 NTP/08714
Go for it, give it a tweet!             


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